Ch10. Uncommon friends?

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Haven't wrote in this story in a while. ^~^ please don't hate me. Now to write!

~~Y/N's POV~~

We waited for a while till DS to come back. When she did she held papers.
"Here." She threw them at me. I look at them and realize it's papers about me.
"What the?" I stare at her.
"It's some research papers Kate took on you. Apparently you are an only child and your parents doesn't really care." DS says. I laugh to myself and nod.
"Yeah..." I stare at the papers. Even picture of me.
"Guess we have that in common. Well except I have brothers..." DS says and looks at me. I just noticed her change in attitude.
"Why did you hate me? In the beginning?" I ask.
"Hey no breaking the fourth wall here." She commented. I stared at her confused."Nevermind. We went to the same school after I moved from my old one. You and your friends never really noticed one did. I was an outcast and no one liked me. I honestly shouldn't have cared but I did." She frowned then continued. "Everyone thought I died when I disappeared, didn't they?" She asked.
"Yeah. They put flowers on your desk and locker...they took them down a while ago." I say. She smiles, the first time I seen her smile happily. Then she started laughing. "Huh?"
"Honestly this is stupid to say but I wish I could have seen their faces when I return to repay that little b-" she was cut off by a guy with dark brown hair and purple eyes.
"Alright Death. Stop talking and get to work." He told her.
"Ugh fine Rabbit. Cya Y/N. Sorry about earlier...forgive me?" DS smiles, which I returned.
"Sure." I say and she walks away with...Rabbit? Was that his name?
I giggle.

For the rest of the night I sat on the couch, watching Ben rage at gaming and Jeff being perv. EJ just sat next to me, not doing nor saying a word.

Is this my new life? And was I a new proxy? Or was it a Creepypasta? But what am I? I'm not a murderer...I couldn't do that...could I?

EJ X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now