Ch18. Rosa and EJ.

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~~Y/N's POV~~

"Share away, mister Hoodstar." I smile.
"Mister Hoodstar? let's see..." He thinks. I waited. "Maybe about...5 years ago..."

~~Five years ago.~~
~This means Hoodie is talking~

'Me and Masky was some what new to the mansion and we was trying to get met everyone we could. EJ was one of the ones who actually sorta saved me from dying, don't ask.'

"Your name?" EJ asks.
"...real name?" Hoodie asks quietly.
"Whatever name you go by." EJ chuckles.
"Uhm...Hoodie, I guess..."

'EJ was very lively back then actually. He would talk to everyone and even place dance games with me and Ben, but then Rosa started appearing and he changed. He started hanging out with her more and more, forgetting about everything. Even his own studying about the human started to worry us. We knew Rosa was up to no good doing this to him."

"Where's Rosa?" EJ asks.
"I honestly don't care." Jeff mumbles.
" Rosa nice?" Hoodie asks.
"Of course...why do you ask?" EJ asks.
"Because you haven't been yourself." Ben says, LJ nodding to agree.
"What do you mean?" EJ looks confused, he wasn't wearing his mask.
"You've stop everything you was working on." Jane joined in. Nina and Clocky stood next to her. EJ growled.
"I don't need this from you all." EJ left the mansion.

'He left for a month or two...everyone got worried, even Jeff. It was very odd how everything was going. Jane and Jeff worked together to find him, even though they hated each other. The proxies who looked half way human went out as normal very day people to find him. Rosa never came back till a month after he came back. No one liked her or what she did. EJ stopped talking to us. Now I wouldn't say me and him was best friends but we was close. One day...he came to mine and Masky's room to talk to me. Masky was messing with Jay for Marble Hornets, again don't ask.'

"Hey Hoodie?" EJ knocks on the door, then opens it.
"Hey EJ. What's up? Talking to us again?" Hoodie joked.
"Yeah sorry about that. Rosa told me to stop hanging with you guys..." EJ sighs. Hoodie groans when he hears the name Rosa.
"Of course Rosa said that." Hoodie frowns.
"She's nice I swear...but she just comes off as mean sometimes." EJ tries to smile.
"Is this why you came to my room?" Hoodie asks.
"Well of course not..." EJ says.
"Just leave if you have nothing else to say." Hoodie says.

'About two years later, EJ never talked again. I bet it was hard but somehow he did it, even with Rosa by his side. Rosa told me something that I'll never forget..."

"Hoodie ain't it?" Rosa appeared in Hoodie's and Masky's room.
"Yes I'm Hoodie. Why are you in my room?" Hoodie jumps off his bed.
"Don't ever talk to my EJ ever again." She laughed.
"He's a person, you don't own him." Hoodie says. Rosa quickly grabbed a knife and held it to Hoodie's throat. "You don't scare me." Hoodie glares.
"You should be." She disappeared and the knife fell to the ground.

'She told me to stay away and I didn't know why. I finally understood why, she was literally his Yandere. Soon after EJ fell for a human girl, and Rosa was mad. EJ brought he to the mansion and she loved it here...until Rosa got to her. Rosa told her that EJ was crazy.'

"EJ is messed up in the..." Rosa pointed to the head.
"H-he is? What can I do to help?" The girl asked.
"Oh you can't help...he will end up killing you..." Rosa frowns. "That's how I became a ghost..." Rosa faked tears.
"Oh my...I gotta get out of here!" The girl yells and runs out of the house.

'She scared her to death, quite literally. She died after and EJ was upset for a while...Everyone got worried that he would...yeah. He soon started to get back normal, even started to talk to us again. Rosa disappeared and EJ learned about her plan...he wanted to kill her but couldn't because she was a ghost.'

"ILL KILL HER!" EJ screamed.
"EJ calm down. You can't she's already dead." Jeff says.
"I don't care!" EJ screamed again.
"Calm down." Toby says. EJ growls.
"I'm going for a walk..." EJ sighs and leaves.

~~Y/N's POV~~

"Two years later he found you..." Hoodie says.
"He's been stalking me for a year?" I ask.
"Yeah. He loves you. To be honest I wish I find someone to love like he did." Hoodie chuckles.
"What happened to you and DS? Was you two even dating?" I ask.
"We tried but it didn't work. We're friends though. She really likes Hunter." Hoodie smiles. "I hope he takes care of her."
"That's sweet." I smile.
"Do you love him?" Hoodie asks and looks at me.

"Yeah. I do." I smile and blush lightly.

Hope you enjoyed this page! 859 words!
Cya later! Bye my friends! =^-^=

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