Ch16. Stay.

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I stay in my room and thought about EJ, do I love him?


I heard from the outside, I jumped and looked outside. I saw someone running. EJ.
"Who's Rosa?" I ask myself, and someone laughed behind me.
"Me" they said and I turned around to see nothing. EJ runs into my room, he didn't have his jacket and mask.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He growls. He was angry.
"W-who?" I stutter, I'm terrified of him right now.
"Rosa." EJ growls again and looks around.
"She's not here...EJ...please calm down your scaring me." I frown and shake lightly. EJ breathes in and calms down.
"I'm so sorry." EJ sighs and looks down. I hear a noise and tackles EJ in a hug. "It's fine. I'm here."
"Jack?" I look up at him.
"Yeah?" EJ smiles sweetly.
"How can a human girl fall for a monster?" I then hide my face in his shirt. He smelled of woods.
"Haven't you watched Beauty and The Beast?" EJ chuckles.
"Yeah...I have." I pull away from EJ and look down.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing. Just stay with me." I grab his hands.
"I will don't worry." EJ smiles.

WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE. *cries in the emo corner*
Cya later! Bye my friends!

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