Ch4. Kidnapped

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The next day I didn't talk to anyone. All of my friends asked me why was I so quite, I just told them it was nothing and to leave it as it is but they kept asking.

"Y/N are you okay?" Jean asked.
"I already told you..I am fine. Leave me alone." I said with a frown. I started to walk away but Isla stopped me.
"Y/N. Why are you like this today?" Kaya asked.
"I said it was nothing so leave me alone!" I yelled and stormed off.

I left school early today. Parents wasn't home so they wouldn't care. They wouldn't care anyways so why bother. I sighed as I walk into my house. It was dark and sad.

"Guess I should eat something...." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some chips and went to my room to watch tv. I started watching some weird tv show.

After I ate my chips and watched about 10 episodes of the tv show, the show was kinda good, I looked at the clock. It read '10:45'.

'Was I really watching tv that long?' I thought to myself. I yawned and laid on my bed.
"Guess I should sleep, but I really wanna watch more of that show." I yawned again and laid my head on my pillow and fall asleep.

~~Time Skip to midnight~~

I woke with a start.

'Again? This is the second time in a week.' I thought. I then heard a voice outside of my door.

"I'm sure this is her house." I heard a girls voice, the girl from last night. I laid down and pretend I was asleep. "Yeah yeah. She's the one who I visited last night." I heard some grunting but then my door coming opening.
"See I told ya." The girl said. "She's asleep...try to be quite." She then added. She has a soft voice now. Who was she talking to? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"I hate that you don't talk much Jack. It's annoying." The girl said.
'Jack?' I wonder.
"Don't stick your tongue out at me!" The girl yelled. I turned around and pretended I woke up. My eyes widen when I see a blue mask and a girl with a half of a mask.
"Hiya! Now just go back to sleep." The girl smiled and put something on my face. My vision went blurry then it went full black.

~~Skippy skip skip! =^-^=~~

I woke up in a dark room. I looked around and saw the same girl from my house and last night.

"You're awake. Finally." I stared at her.
"Who are you?" I asked. I noticed I was on a bed. I got up and stared at her.
"I told you...I'm the missing girl from your school. Don't I look familiar? Oh wait... you and your friends never noticed that I was alive. You all thought I was a waste of space." She looked out a window.
" alwa-" I started but she cut me off. She looked at me. I could only see one of her eyes.
"Shut UP! You never tried to be my friend!" She yelled. Someone opened the door. He wore a orange hoodie and a black mask with a red frown on it. The blue masked freak was behind him.
"Come on...Stop yelling." The frowny mask guy grabbed the girl.
"Grrr! As long as I get cheesecake!" The girl yelled as she and the frowny mask guy left.
"Fine!" The guy yelled. They left me with the eyeless killer.
"Hi..." I said to the eyeless guy.

We stood there staring at each other for a while.
"Don't talk much?" I asked as I sat down. "isn't your name Eyeless Jack?" I asked looking at him. I was scared but I didn't care if he was eyeless...maybe he can't see.
"EJ." The guy said. I stared at him as he walked closer to me. He was holding something.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. He stopped and held out a plate with cheesecake on it. "Cheesecake?" I stared at him.
"Only thing we have..." He said quietly.
"Okay...Thanks." I said and took the plate. He left the room.

'Weird...he was nice to me....but the girl...what was her name?' I thought to myself.


Who is the girl?! Sadly I know who she is. XD Hoped you enjoyed!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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