Ch12. Heartbeat.

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~~Y/N's POV~~

After DS let me into her room, she sat me down on her purple and black bed.
" love purple." I commented on her room. She had a black desk with a pink chair. Her window was covered by black and white curtains and her dresser was black with purple stars stuck to the sides. The walls was plain grey and her floor was pastel purple.
"Purple my favorite color, but black is my happy color. What ya needed to talk about?" She asked while sitting in the spiny chair.
"Oh yeah. I wanted to ask about...EJ." I I look at her then to her pictures on the walls, a lot of them was of her with random cps. Like HABIT and EJ to Jeff and Slenderman.
"Oh Jacky? What do you want to know?" DS smiles, her once angry mood towards me changed into a happy one.
"Like what is he like? Or maybe what was his life like before coming here." I ask.
"Oh well...EJ is very smart but like I said before he never talks unless he has to and when he does it shocks some people. His life I'm not sure about honestly. I've never really talked to him much. He's nice though and I can tell he really likes you." DS plays with a knife while telling me this.
"Oh...does he like anything other then me?" I think of more questions to ask.
"Kidneys. He can't really eat human food." DS says.
"Oh." I stare at her. She starts to laugh.
"If you want to learn more about him you should go talk to him. I'm not much help." DS giggles.
"Oh okay. I guess I'll go do that." I get off the bed and walk to her door. "Oh thanks DS."
"I'm a gaming device!!" She yells and I just laugh.
I walk back to EJ's room, knocking and waiting for him to open. Once he opens the door I give a shocked face. He wasn't wearing his mask.
"S-sorry..." He blushes, even on his grey skin I could see the blush. I giggle at how cute he looked.
"Don't worry. You look better without the mask." I smile. He smiles back, showing off his shark like teeth.
"C-can I come in?" I stuttered. He nods quickly and pulls me in, closing the door behind.
"What do you need?" He asks.
"Your very talkative today." I giggle. 'Why am I giggling so much?' I ask myself.
"Oh.. It's because...its you..." He trails off and I smile. I start to walk closer to him to give him a hug but something caught my foot and I tripped.
EJ had caught me before I hit the floor. My head was on his chest and I could hear a faint heartbeat.
"Y/N are you okay?" He asks kindly.
"Yeah...I'm fine." I smile and nuzzled my head into his hoodie. Listening to his heart. I could tell by the way he held me he was blushing uncontrollably, which I thought was sorta cute.
Listening to his heartbeat calmed me and I started to fall asleep on him. He notices this and he picks me up and lays me on his bed. He goes to stand up and walk way only to be grabbed by me and pulled down.
"Y/N?" He starts but he shuts up when he notices me laying back on his chest.
"I like listening to your heartbeat." I smile and he plays with my hair as I fall asleep.

I'm not the best at writing lovey dovey stuff but I hoped you liked it! =^-^=
Cya Later! Bye my friends.

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