Ch 14. No time.

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~~Y/N's POV~~

"Yo. Death where's Jack?" I ask when j get downstairs.
"Don't know. The newbies went to meet Slender." DS smiles.
"What's their names?" I ask and sit in the couch with Toby.
"I think...Kai, Knight and Soul." DS ruffles Toby's hair and he lets her.
"Uhm. Are they friends?" I ask and joined in on messing with Toby's hair.
"Fluff the hair for power." Toby giggles.
"Maybe I don't know. Uhm that'd be a good story to tell if they were from the same place." DS smiles and hugged Toby. "FLUFFY HAIR."
"That would be cool. I'm gonna go find Jack. Cya." I smile and walk outside to find EJ with a guy. They were talking, or the guy was. "Hey EJ!" I run up to him. Slightly giggling at how we first started out.
"Oh hi! I'm-" the guy started but was cut off by EJ.
"Sorry, Y/N. I need to talk to him alone." EJ says and turns his back to me.
"Oh okay... Cya later?" I frown. He didn't say anything.

~~Time skip~~

It was about 7 when I went to mine and EJ's room. Sadly EJ wasn't there. I sigh and sit on my bed.
"Wonder what he's doing..." I ask myself, as if by calling for him he walks in.
"Oh...hey.." He says quietly.
"Hey!" I jump up happily. "How are you?"
"I'm good...I need to do some time sorry." He grabs his small bag with his tools inside and walks out. I stand in the room, alone.
'Why did he leave? What does he have to do? Ugh stop worrying Y/N...' I thought and went back to what I was doing, which was nothing.

~~weeks later~~

'He's been avoiding me. He hasn't talked to me in weeks. He says he has no time to talk. Liar." I wrote in my book. "Why am I so upset? It's not like I like him or anything..." I frown and faceplam the book.
"Cute." A girls voice said. I jumped and turned around to see a girl with blue hair and brown eyes. She giggled.
"Who are you?" I ask, not surprised to see a random face.
"Oh I'm... How about we saves the name for later...for now. I can tell you like him!" She giggled again.
"No I don't." I growl.
"Then why are you worried about him not talking to you? Not having time for you?" She smiles grimly.
"He's my friend..."now that I hear I have feelings for him?
"Now your talking! Don't worry. He still likes you..its just he need time to do what he does." She smiles.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Listen. His a monster and very messed up in the.." She point to her head. "Bye now." She disappears.
"Messed up in the head? Uhm..." I start to think.

"First he kidnaps her for love, now he hurts himself for love. What else is he gonna do for his undying love?" The girl whispers.

Yeah I don't know. BUT if you like my stories please check out The Virus. It's probably my favorite and I hope you all enjoy it and this story as well!!
Cya later! Bye my friends. =^-^=

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