Ch8. Missing Girl and Eyeless Killer.

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Sorry everyone that I haven't posted in a while! Well summer started and I've been busy with school and everything else! So I hope you enjoy this part where you get to find out who Ds is! Okay it should be easy to know who she is.... LET GET TO THE STORY!


~~EJ's POV~~

I waited for Y/N to wake up. She seems to be really knocked out. Toby must have hit her harder then he thought he did. OH! I should get her some flowers for a sorry gift for asking Toby to knock her out! I jump up and run downstairs to where Ds is.

"Hey EJ. Where you going?" Ds asked. I looked around, I didn't see the others. I pointed to the outside where the flowers were. "You're getting flowers for her...ain't you." I nodded. She rolled her eyes. "Why? She's a dumb girl! She's gonna run away again anyways!" Ds yelled. I sighed. I walked outside to gather some flowers.

~~Ds's POV~~

Jack's so stupid...getting flowers for Y/N. I started to Y/N's room, then I heard sniffling. Is she crying? I put my ear to the door to listen to her.

"Why did she betray me? Why did she have to bring me here?" She said. I walked in.
"What the crap are you doing?" I asked angry. She stared with her E/C eyes.
"Uhhh....." Was all she could say. Then EJ just had to come in and ruin my fun. He pushed me away from her and held out the flowers he picked for her. She looked shocked but took them and smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"Can you please tell me why you brought me here?" She asked. I sighed and looked at EJ. He nodded.
"EJ likes ya." I said. She stared at me and froze.

~~Y/N's POV~~

A eyeless killer...likes me?! Why? I'm just a girl from high school.

"Why?" I asked. He stared,then lifted his mask to show a smile.
"I don't even know why. He never talks! Well....unless he has to.." The girl said.
"Okay....But you know what....I still don't understand why you hate me." I said to the missing girl, who I forgot the name of.
"Oh! Y'all never tried to be my friend in school and you don't even know my name!" She yelled.
"Ds! Stop!" Hoodie ran in and grabbed her. I could hear what he said in her ear. "Calm down...You don't know, Death."
"Then WHAT'S MY NAME?!" She yelled and looked at me. I looked at her...she has changed...she used to have brown eyes and short brown hair, then I remember what Blair told me about Ds.
"Your name is Death Star." I asked and stared at her. She growled but calmed down after a moment. "Blair told me about you..." I added.
"BLAIR! I'M SO GONNA KILL YA! But at least you remembered my cp name..." Death Star left with Hoodie. They left me and EJ alone.
"So what now?" I asked the killer. He looked at me and pulled his mask back down.
"Come." He said while grabbing my arm and pulling me to the kitchen where the others were.
"Hi..." I said, sorta waving. The others just sorta stared.


Hello! And yeah the missing girl was meh. PLEASE NO HATE!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friend! =^-^=

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