Ch6. New guys?

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Before I start this page.... have any of you heard about this?

I found it when I found this when I was looking for a drawing of Masky and Hoodie

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I found it when I found this when I was looking for a drawing of Masky and Hoodie.


It's been a few days since I've been kidnapped. I sit beside the tree outside of the school  and looked into the woods. I heard we was getting two new guys. Tim and Brian are their names. I sighed because my friends was fangirling like normal.

"Omg I can't wait to see what they look like!" I remember Jean yelling. I watched as Blair went over to talk to the guys.

"Y/N! Come over here!" I heard Blair yelling. I got up and walked over to her.
"Yeah?" I looked at her and the two guys.
"These are my old friends from our old school. Tim is the one in the plaid shirt and Brian is the one in the blue shirt." Blair said.
"Hi." Tim said.
"Hello." Brian smiled.
"So you two are Blair's old friends?" I asked and stared at them.
"Yup. She's like a sister!" Brian smiled and side hugged Blair.
"Yeah." Tim said as he held a cigarette in his hand.
"You smoke?" I asked Tim. He nodded.
"Tim! Don't smoke!" Blair slapped the cigarette out of Tim's hand.
"Blair!" Tim yelled.
"Oh shut it you two!" Brian yelled. I just laughed.

Later that day Blair came to my house with me. I asked her about the creepypastas again. She seemed shocked.

"Well...Who you wanna know about?" Blair asked.
"This one." I point to EJ.
"Oh the eyeless killer. Well not much to say about him. He eats organs and he doesn't talk much. I've read he liked to kidnap people sometimes just because he may either like them or knows something deadly about them." Blair said. I nodded then pointed to the hooded guy, he was beside a masked man.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Hoodie and Masky as the fandom named them. People say that Jay found Hoodie dead when he fell off a windowsill type thing, but I've heard that he wasn't really dead. Some say Masky went back to Hoodie's body and found him and brought him back to EJ and Slender, who saved him somehow. Not to sure how that happened but yeah. Masky here is a crazy one. I've heard that Masky and Hoodie is best friends." Blair smiled. "You can tell who is who by their names." I nodded.

'Hoodie is the one from that house...Was the missing girl a creepypasta as well?' I thought to myself.


Hope you all enjoyed!!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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