Ch2. Annoying Girls

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~~Time skip to the next day~~

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books. Then I hear girls screaming.

"OMg! I heard that killer is near us! OMG I hope he comes to my house!" A girl yelled. Her name was Kaya.
"OMG I KNOW!!" Her friend, Ada, yelled.
"I hope he steals my organs!" A girl ,named Isla, smiled.
"I know!" Jean yelled with them. "What about you Y/N?" The four girls smiled at Y/N.
"I don't care." I said and closed my locker. "I don't care about any killer and I sure don't wait a killer getting into my house." I started to my class but my four friends stopped me.
"Oh come on!" Kaya said.
"He's totally a creepypasta!" Isla said.
"He's so cute!" Jean said.
"Please stop FANGIRLING OVER A KILLER!" I yelled. They all stopped and looked at me. I walked to my class and sit down alone.

~~Time skip to lunchhhhh ((I want food now...))~~

I walked and sat down near the tree outside and sighed. 'Why does my friends have to be such fangirls about a killer?'I thought to myself.

"A eyeless killer...Who wears a blue mask...and he eats organs...Sounds stupid..." I mumbled to myself.
"So you heard!" I jumped and turned around to see a girl hanging upside down like a monkey.
"AHHH! Who are you?!" I yelled, holding a hand to my heart.
"My names Blair. I heard a lot of people talking about this eyeless guy!" Blair jumped out of the tree.
"Please tell me you're not a fangirl like my other friends." I stared at her.
"Nope. I just think he's a neat killer. I'm studying killers." Blair said as she got out some papers. "Most people say they are creepypastas but they are real. I've seen them." Blair said.
"Again with the creepypastas..." I mumbled.
"Yeah...but still." Blair smiled at the drawings.
"They are good drawings...who are these peoples?" I asked.

Me and Blair sat there near the tree for the rest of lunch talking about creepypastas.


Blair is me. No joke! XD Well I hope you all enjoyed!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

EJ X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now