Ch5. Run Away

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After I ate the food the eyel- I mean EJ gave me, I stayed in the room. I was scared to go out of this room. Why did they kidnap me? WHO IS THAT GIRL WHO HATES MY GUTS!? I soon could hear some people talking.

"I can't believe you guys brought her to this tiny house!" A guy yelled.
"Oh shut it! I can't believe Jack asked me to help him! He owes me a heart!" A girl yelled.
"Here." I think EJ said.
"YAY!" The girl yelled.

I sighed as I got off the bed and walked to the window. I looked outside and noticed that we was in the middle of the woods. I pushed on the window, it was unlocked, so it came open. I thought I could climb out and get away, but I need something to hide in. I looked around and I found a black cape thing ((Like the one in the pic!)) . I put it on and pulled the hood over my head, then jumped out of the window. I landed on the ground and looked back at the house. I started running though the woods away from them killers.

~~EJ's POV~~

I know Y/N was running away. I saw and heard her hit the ground. I'm glad Hoodie and Ds didn't see her. This is just part of my plan.

"I'm going to bed. Night Jack and Hood." Ds said as she walked away from me and Hoodie.
"She ran away didn't she?" Hoodie asked me. I was shocked.
"How..." I stared at him then laughed. "You saw her too?"
"Yes...So what's the next part of the plan?" Hoodie asked.
"Where's Masky?" I smirked behind my mask.

~~Back to Y/N's POV~~

I ran to school. My friends was outside by the tree I sit at most of the time.

"Y/N!" They all yelled.
"What happened?!" Jean asked.
"Why are you wearing a black cape?!" Kaya asked.
"Are you hurt?!" Ada asked.
"Where was you this morning?!" Isla asked. I stared at them.
"Don't worry...I was just running late this morning and I tried a short cut though the woods." I said as I looked back to the woods. I knew they would soon come after me again.
"Oh! I thought something bad happened!" Jean said. "Now come on!" Jean grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the school. I looked back to the woods again and I saw a blue mask.


Hope you enjoyed!!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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