Day 1

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Day 1: Write a scene that takes place in a coffee shop.

"Ten years ago, tears were straining down a customer's face as she ordered a Carmel Frappacino with a stealthy, but shakey, voice. I wondered what had bothered her so and how she could speak so calmly even though her eyes showed a state of vulnerability. Smiling sweetly at her, I asked her for her name. 

"Amanda," she had replied before dabbing a napkin at her tear stained face. 

Huh, I always liked that name. I smiled to myself again and wrote her name down onto the cup. "We'll call you when it's ready." 

"Yeah, yeah I know," she dismissed me with a wave of a hand and walked over to a chair. 

Sheesh, I wonder what's up her ass! I thought angrily as I turned my back to her and called out her order. Sometimes, I want to hug people who are crying, but when they act crudish or self righteous, then I want to punch them straight up in their face. Some people actually are in true pain, while others are in fake pain over how they lost friends over a rumor they had spread about others. I just don't get it. Everyone cries. Everyone deserves a hug. But sometimes, some people just are downright faux to the bone. 

Immediately after thinking that, I softened a bit. I was overexamining again! Gah! I hate that about myself. One minute I can be all caring, but once someone crosses me, then I'm completely different! Maybe I should go over to her, sit down. and just listen. You never know these days what people are going through. Never judge a book by its cover.

Sighing to myself, I grabbed her mug and walked over to Amanda. She could be going through anything right now. Her period, loss of parents, lack of friends, or maybe a breakup.  Who knows?!?  All I know is that when I'm in distress, it's good to have someone listen to your problems, even if they're a complete stranger. 

"Hey Amanda," I greeted her, unsure if she was going to chase me away.

Instead of saying anything, she just looked up at me with tears and a soft smile. Her hands extended up towards the coffee in mine and I let go of the cup. Once it was out of my grasp, I sat down beside her and rubbed my thighs, trying hard not to dash off behind my cash register and hide. Being that I was a guy, I didn't do so well with girls. They always made me nervous. 

"Do you need to talk?" I asked, still uneasy with myself. 

"Are you going to add your imput when I'm done?" She half smirked at me, somehow making me relax into my normal self.

"No, I'm just here to listen. Tell me what's bothering you." I replied.

"Well, before I begin venting. I need to have a propper introduction than just your nametag," she laughed lightly at the serious expression on my face.

"I'm Kyle," I smiled at her. 

And that is how I met your Mom."

With that, he bent down and kissed his sleeping child goodnight. Kyle always loved telling the story of how he met his wife. And Amanda always loved listening to it, because she couldn't help but listen to the one man who had taken time out of his schedule to actually listen to her.  

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