Day 3: Two Year Contract

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Day 3: Write a scene where your favorite song is playing in the background.

"Maybe it's the way she walked," I sang to myself as I strolled through the aisles of Walmart. "Straight into my heart and stole it. Through the doors and past the gaurds. Just like she already owned it!"

As the beat of "Best Song Ever" resonated throughout my thoughts, I cast a sneaky glance around to make sure all the staff were somewhere else in the almost empty building. To my delight, no one was in sight. A devilish grin spread across my face as I took off my shoes and gently tossed them to the side. Quickly, I turned on my iPhone and played the song. Plugging in the earbuds, I shut the rest of the world off. Walmart was now my stage.  

The lights dimmed and the audience roared in adoration. On my right side Niall and Harry stood together making faces at each other, while on the left Zayn, Louis, and Liam attempted to try and look professional. Then Harry started to do his solo and then pointed to me to take it away. 

"I said will you give it back to me? She said never in your wildest dreams!" I smiled and sang the lyrics with pride. Then the guys danced away and let me sing the rest of the song. When each of their solos were about to come, each guy appeared for their part but let me to the rest of it. Upon finishing my part, all the guys came out and started to sing wholeheartedly while I stole the guitar and danced around stage. I did all of these fancy moves, twirling around and sliding here and there.

However, all great things had to come to a close. After I did this one cool completion move, I slid a bit too far and rammed into something. Dazed and confused, I looked up and found five amused faces staring down at me. Embarassed, I shifted my gaze to the floor and to their Nike shoes. With my reddened cheeks, I pushed myself up off the ground. The room was now eerily quiet and the music had automatically switched off. One of the guys coughed. Nervously, I shifted weight in my feet and took in the group before me. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. 

They looked at me in shock. A blonde haired guy chuckled and cast a knowing glance at his friends. Then he grabbed a curtain from the nearest aisle and brought it towards him, triggering a cave in from the roof. I let out a scream and covered myself as best as I could. However, nothing hit me. 

Confused, I stood back up and gasped at what was before me. In place of the supposed countless empty aisles, stood a glittering wall of a stadium. I looked closely and realized that it was an audience. Suddenly, the crowd went wild. Flashes of cameras went off in the distance. The sound of their applause roared throughout the building. Four people stood up behind a podium seperated from the audience and had smiles all over their faces. Surprised at this, I turned around to see four X's above the stage. 

Walmart had no longer been there, instead it was just a massive backdrop of a curtain. The strange group engulfed me into a hug. Everyone was proud of me for some reason. I wasn't sure why. I'm not the greatest singer in the world. 

The same blonde haired guy pulled me close and whispered in my ear, "You're going to go very far Princess." 

All of a sudden, a great light shone upon me. It's heat burned into my skin and blinded me temporarily. Then it turned off and I was still on stage, but standing with one other stranger. We smiled at each other, both proud of each other. I didn't know why I was so proud for him, but I was. Together we linked arms as we waited in anticipation for something spectacular. 

"And the winner is.... Princess!" the announcer turned to me, revealing, he was yet the same blonde who appeared before. 

Instantly, it clicked. I glanced up at Simon out of my daze and smiled warmly at him. Niall took my hand lovingly and pulled me by his side. 

"Let's go with a two year contract, besides I wouldn't mind touring with my lovely boyfriend," I stated simply as I nestled my head into Niall's shoulder. 

"Okay," Simon pushed a piece of paper out in front of him. "If you'd just sign here..."

To be continued. ;P

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