Day 13

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Day 13: Write a scene with dialogue, no narrative.

"How could you!" 

"How could I what?" 

"How could you just blow me off for a single year and never talk to me like you used to?"

"Why are you so huffy about this?"

"Why aren't you?!? You're the one I treated with the utmost respect and yet, you still couldn't give the time of the day for me!" 

"Maybe it's because I don't like to be involved with drama."

"So I'm dramatic? Well I got news for you buster, life isn't going to be drama free! All girls are full of drama and you're just too stubborn and self asorbed to actually care about the people around you! Why did I ever think I liked you? Why did I waste the past three years of my teenage life pinning over someone stupid as you?!?"


"Yeah! STUPID! S-T-U-P-I-D! Stupid!" 

"I'm not-"

"You're not intelligent. You're just socially dumb! Your awkwardness is just too damn annoying! Get over yourself and look at the whole picture! Do you honestly think being serious all the time is going to win a girl? If you do, then you have some serious issues! Quit being such a dull person and just experience life! No one's asked you to be so boring all the time!"

"Well no one cares about a single thing you say anyway! You're so selfish, all you think about is you, you, you! What about others? Have you ever stopped to wonder how I felt?"



"I've thought about what you would feel about a lot of stuff. That's why I've been so quiet all the time! If I didn't want to please you so much, I'd talk more and just ignore what you have to say! But I haven't! I care about others. I've always been trying to put others before myself! The only time I get to think about myself is when I'm at home and all alone. And that's when I find myself battling against depression!"

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