Day 22

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Day 22: Write a scene where two characters kiss, unexpectedly. 

\Not the same characters in Anchor! I thought I would, but decided against it! It's too... eh... not what I'm looking for in that particular story! 

Out of shame, Sarah rolled the window down and smiled guiltily at Lance, who looked taken aback by their brazen conduct. Charles yawmed satisfactorly and put his arm around her seat, only furthering the situation to a point none of them would forget. She felt tears ready to spill out because of how Lance was looking at her in that particular moment. It felt as if he thought of her as scum, and she felt terrible. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of how happy she is when she's around Charles. 

"Get out of the car Sarah," Lance suddenly said, causing her to come out of the daze she was in. 

"Uh...Um... Okay," She crawled out of her car slowly, Charles doing the same on his side, seconds before the alarm went off. 

"What's happening?!?" Both the Carmikle boys yelled over the roaring sound of the emergency alarm. 

"Tornado alert! Get inside now!" She exclaimed as she put a hand on Lance's back and pushed him towards the building. 

Together, all three hurried towards Target as fast as they could. Once Sarah and Lance got inside, they quickly ran over to customer service to see where the Tornado shelter was. Thankfully, the employees were escorting people to the bathrooms. One group of people was being directed towards the Men's room, while the others went to the Ladies room. Impulsively, Lance grasped a firm hold on Sarah's hand and pulled her into the Men's room. 

"Eww.. urnials!" Sarah exclaimed before realizing she had spoken her thoughts. Lance looked fully into her eyes, before they both burst out laughing at how ridiculous she sounded. 

As more people were ushered in, their personal space diminished to probably an inch or two. That was then, thaty they realized that Charles had not been part of the others. Worried looks were exchanged, but Lance convinced Sarah to stay put for the time being. She felt her heart beat hammering inside of her chest when she was practically face to face with Lance. The comforting look in his eyes said it all, she was safe with him. A small smile played on her lips as he looked back up, causing their eyes to connect again. However, the darkness in his eyes did not scream comfort, he seemed frightened of something. He nervously scanned her face for something, she didn't know what it was, but his plump lips on hers soon answered her uneasiness. 

His tender lips pecked hers sweetly and carefully, making sure she was okay with what he was about to do. A brief nod allowed him to kiss her again, with more force than before, parting her lips with his own as he french kissed her. Sparks of electricity shot up her body as he placed his arms around her, deepening their embrace. Her mind and heart were one as they both sighed 'Lance' in a loving way, making her feel completely content with the way he was treating her. She stayed there, like that, safe and sound in Lance's arms for the rest of the time they were stuck in there. 

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