Day 15

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Day 15: Write a scene in an (almost) empty room.

Darkness befell the room as the sunlight turned into moonlight. Dust once grey during the day turned into mini fibers of silver lining an exposed bookshelf. Amongst the silver settlement, flashes of white webs glinted as a spider lowered itself from one shelf to the next.

Whoo! the wind outside howled against the walls, eager to seep inside any crack or crevice that was big enough to host it's chilly breath. It roared louder as rain joined it on hitting the exterior with thick and heavy droplets. They bounced on windowpanes and plummeted against whatever they fell upon. Their attack echoed on the rooftop, efforts thwarted as they pooled in gutters only to be poured back on the thirsty earth below in a gurgling plop.

Inside the spider busied itself in forming an elaborate trap for the prey it spied earlier. As if on cue, the moth against the burnt out oil lantern spread out its wings as if wakening from a long slumber. It moved in a small circle, still resting on the object as it repositioned itself to look around its surroundings.

To the spider's luck, the wind outside lulled to a quiet stop and the moon peaked through the clouds again. It's light reflected in a mirror within the shelf. Catching a glimpse of the light, the moth lurched itself forward into the alluring glow in search of warmth.

Thip! it collided with the sticky membrane. It's vibrations in the webbing caught the spider's attention as it tried to wiggle itself free.

Slipping itself slow along it's web, the spider inched towards the panicked moth. It took its time, almost studying its prey as the moth settled down for a brief second. Then as quick as one could blink, the spider lurched itself forward, took a bite, and began cocooning it's new food source in a flourish. 

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