Day 4

30 4 2

The original scene I was supposed to write about was to take place in a church, but instead I'm going to steal a scene from a movie/fairytale and make it into my own with my own words. (I'm taking a scene from the movie Up! and making Ellie's life a tad bit happier! :D)

Ellie is the love of my life. If you ever met her, you'd be convinced we weren't met for each other. She was a sociable person, but I, on the otherhand, was not. While her family was boisterous, my family remained nonchalant. Anywho, that doesn't matter. What matters is that she's my one and only, and I vowed to love her till death to us part. 

"Carl?" Ellie looked at me with her big green eyes. 

"Yes?" I asked as I turned to face her on our picnik blanket. 

"Look up at the sky," she commanded, so I did.

"Okay Ellie, what do you see?" I replied, staring at the clouds in the same manner we always had been since childhood. 

"Do you see the babies?" She smiled, causing me to turn red in the cheeks.

"Yes Ellie I do." 

"Count them."

"Okay- one, two, three, four... five! Wow! Haha, five babies! Isn't that something?" 

"That's how many I would like Carl," she turned to me and caressed my cheek lovingly. 

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I grinned back at her, pratically beaming with pride that she was my beautiful wife. 

"I asked the doctor yesterday at my check up about the chances of me getting pregnant," she paused, looking at me for permission to continue. She did so when I nodded my head. "Well, looks like the odds are in our favor Carl."

When I heard her say that, I knew that Paradise Falls would have to wait. Our little "savings fund" is going to be broken once again for a new baby down the road. I can't wait to be a father to the child of our love. With Ellie's eyes and cute little features, plus my witts, our children will be spitfires when they grow up! 

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