Chapter 30

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Harry's POV:

This couldn't be worse.

I couldn't sleep at all. We packed up camp immediately and started sailing in the direction of Gough Island, but I was still too terrified and angry to even close my eyes.

They have my Bella. 

I was pacing on deck, thinking of all of the possibilities that could be happening to Bella right now. They won't kill her, because that was part of his letter, I know that much. He needs her alive until I show up. But that doesn't mean they won't torture her or hurt her.

The thought made me panic, wondering just what was happening to her. She was the only thing keeping me stable right now and now she's gone. What was I going to do? If I didn't make it to her on time...

"We have to go faster." I say out loud, looking up to where Jack was steering the ship, anger building in me. "Can't you go any faster?!" I shout and he looks at me startled. "I'm going as fast as I can, Capt'n." he replies and I let out a huff. 

"This isn't right. We should be moving a lot quicker. They can't have gotten such a big lead on us. Why aren't we catching them?" I ask worried and begin pacing again, only to be stopped by Niall, Shayla, Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

"You need to relax." Shayla says in a strained voice and I give her a glare. "Relax? You want me to relax? How am I supposed to relax whenever the person who killed my BROTHER now has one of the only remaining people I love?! He could've killed Bella already and you don't even care! I'm not calm because I can't be! I have to think about every single possible scenario so that whenever we find those bastards I can kill them and be prepared!" I shout at her, getting up in her face and her eyes narrow at me dangerously.

Before I can even react, her hand flies and slaps me across the face, my head snapping to the side because of the impact. My eyes are wide in surprise before I look back at her, anger on her face as she glares at me.

"You think I don't care? Is that what you really think Styles?" she growls and I stay quiet for a moment, trying to process the sting on my cheek. 

"I really don't give a damn who took Bella. She's gone right now and it's our job to get her back. It doesn't matter how many scenarios you try to cook up in that thick skull of yours, you still won't be prepared for when we arrive. And don't you dare say I don't care ever again, or I will leave you begging for me to kill you." she snarls, grabbing the front of my shirt and bringing me down so I'm eye level with her.

"We all care for Bella. I just lost my best friend, asshole. Don't think that this only affects you, because it doesn't. We all want her back and we won't stop until we do. Got it?" she snaps and I stare at her shocked, slowly nodding my head and she throws me backwards, making me fall to the ground.

Shayla had her hands on her hips as she continued to glare at me and I felt shame wash over me. She was right. This didn't just affect me, it affected the entire crew. 

"What am I supposed to do then?" I ask and Niall steps up, kneeling down by me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "We're going to find her Harry. We'll get her back safely." he says and my anger spikes back up and I shrug off his hand, standing up.

"Safely? She's going through God knows what right now! How is getting her back scarred and terrified safe?!" I shout and Shayla takes a step towards me but Louis grabs her hand, stopping her. Niall, however, gives me a harsh glare.

"Would you rather her be injured or dead, Harry?! This is a war, not just a petty kidnapping!! Of course there are going to be casualties! I know we don't want them but we can't prevent that, can we?!" he shouts and I go to say something but he slams his hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

"I made a promise to Bella not to let you lose it if something happened to her and I'll be damned if I break that promise. You have to pull yourself together Harry! If you fall apart like this what good is that going to do anyone? None! You're only hurting yourself and Bella!" he shouts and I stare at him shocked, his hand falling from my face as he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself.

Niall has never yelled at anyone before. He was always the one that remained chill through every situation, yet I just pushed him far enough that he really laid it on me.

" made a promise to her?" I ask and he nods. "She made me promise to keep you grounded if something were to happen to her. I told her I would. I'm not going to let you fall into a dark place like that Harry. Not only for the sake of my promise, but because I don't want that for you either." he says and I look from him to the others, seeing them nodding in agreement.

"If our Captain falls, who will lead us?" Liam asks and I look down. "You can't lose yourself Harry. It will only lead to worse things." Zayn murmurs and I grit my teeth together. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper, looking back up and I see the small smiles on their faces, all except for Shayla. She still had a small glare on her face. 

"You're an idiot, Styles. You aren't in this alone. You have all of us right by you, so don't ignore us. We're here to help." she says and I let out a sigh. "I know, I just...forgot." I murmur and she comes up to me and pats my cheek where she slapped me. 

"Then maybe that helped you remember. You are so stupid sometimes, after all." she says, a smirk coming to her face and I can't help but smile. I remember how she was back then now. She'd get furious and after she said her fill, she'd go back to her usual sarcastic self. That's something that kept me from losing my head back then, and it's doing the same thing now.

"Thank you Shayla." I whisper and she just huffs. "Honestly, you'd think a man would learn. Obviously not." she grumbles, turning away from me and giving Louis a smile. "I'll leave you to deal with him for now, I need a break from his idiocy." she says before waltzing off, going to the edge of the ship and leaning against the railing, looking out at the water.

"Are you good now?" Louis asks and I nod. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just...a lot has happened and it's been getting to me." I say and he smiles softly. "We know. All of us know what you're going through right now. You're not the only one who's lost family." he says and I let out a pained sigh, looking at all of them, knowing it was right.

All of their families were taken from them. That's why I took them in. "I'm sorry." I whisper and Niall smiles, patting me on the back. "That's why we're here, Harry. We all have someone to fight for. You do to. You just can't let yourself get lost trying to fight." he says and I smile, nodding my head.

"You're right. Thank you." I say and he laughs, nodding before walking off. "We shouldn't be too far behind them, anyways." Liam says and I nod. 

I look out at the ocean, wondering if Bella was doing the same thing. They're right. I can't let myself get lost or lose my head just because bad things are happening. I have to keep myself together for everyone else's sake, my sake, and most of all...

For Bella's sake.

I really hope you like this chapter! How do you guys like Shayla? Haha she's a feisty little girl. Spring Break is nearly over for me *sobs* so that means I won't be updating as much. But there will still be updates, I promise you that!

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