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“Hey Jessica, I know it’s early over there but just emailing to let you know that I can’t wait to finally get over there and meet you. Email back when you can. -Lucy” I sent the email and put my headphones in my ears, slow, peaceful music fills my drowsy mind and I drift off to sleep.

I awake to loud yells echoing up the stairs, my mum was home and she was yelling at my brother for making a mess. I hear Jack slam his door and loud footsteps heading up the stairs, mum gets annoyed if I don’t ‘look after’ my brother, he’s 15 he can look after his self and I don’t think a sixteen year old girl knows how to look after such a dick. I’m still lying in bed facing away from the door, I close my eyes and act like I’m still asleep, the door opens and I can hear mum's silent judgement, she sighs and walks out. I sit up and look around my room and that’s when I realised, tomorrow evening, in less than 24 hours I was leaving my home country to stay with some people that I had never met in real life, for six months.

*Jessica’s point of view*

I woke up early, really early because I was so excited, someone I had been talking to for months is coming to stay with my family. I remember mum saying that she would never be a host family for an exchange student and I am so happy I managed to twist her arm. I know I’ve been emailing and skyping Lucy a lot but what if we don’t get along, like it’s six months and…. I was so stressed I was beginning to think if what might happen, I’m so anxious but I think it’s mainly for Lucy, does she really know what she has in store for her at school. I calm down and pace around my room silently, it’s now 6am and I have been up for an hour being worried, everyone is still asleep. I decide the only thing I can do is just get my laptop and surf the net,I realise that I have an email from Lucy, a smile approaches my face, I read it and email back. * End Jessica's P.O.V*

I wasn’t  sticking around to be yelled at, I grab my phone and my purse and head out my room downstairs. “Mum! I’m getting my own dinner!” and with that I simply walk out of the house. I can hear mum sigh from half way down the path, she hates it when I do this. She thinks that I’m going to be out doing drugs and having sex with any boy out on the street, just because my friends are out doing that does not mean I am. it’s just not what I'd do. I walk down to the local fish and chip store, getting myself a half scoop and an iced tea. I approach the beach and as I head up the slight hill the setting sun hits my face, its warmth fills me up a little so I take a seat on the warm sand and eat my dinner. It’s beginning to get late and the moon’s bright, silver light illuminates the beach, it’s still abnormally warm especially saying it’s late winter. I lie down on the now cool sand and pull out my phone to see that I have a notification from hotmail, an email from Jessica, I smile and open it.

“Hey! I’m happy you’re so excited because that means I’m not the only one! I can’t wait and to think it’s just in a few days! See you soon babe.

Jessica (:”

With that I thought it might be time for me to go home, with a smile plastered on my face I slowly walked home taking in the last of the fresh beach air that I will have in a while.

I walk into my house and even before I close the door my brother makes a statement that I knew was coming, I was in trouble. “Luchia-Rose! Get your ass up here right this moment!” Mum shouted, she was in my room and she knows I haven’t packed. I slammed the front door and went up the stairs into my room. “Mum! I was just about to pack! I do things at my own pace! I get shit done so just lay off!” I started yelling before she could say a word. Mum stormed out of my room and downstairs. I close my door and flop on my bed, I really do have to pack, I’m leaving tomorrow so I stay up all night packing.

I zip up my last bag and go have a shower, I can sleep on the plane and I knew if I go and have a nap now mum will fuss so much more than she already is. “Don’t take too long I want to get in to the airport at a good time and I don’t want you to miss in check in time! You know it’s two hours before boarding.” Mum said as I walked into the laundry to get a towel because I had packed all mine in my bedroom. “Yes mum, I know I’m the one getting on the flight.”  “Well then miss smarty are you packed?” “Clearly, I’m not going to England with nothing am I?” I left and went and had my shower.

I’ve checked in and mum is still for some reason fussing, like she thinks I’m going to miss the flight. “Mum, I might go get a book from the shop so I have something to do on the flight. Jack come with me. and mum would you mind getting me a smoothie?” I pulled on the biggest smile, I was doing this so mum wasn’t so worried, so she had something to do and also I wanted to kinda spend some time with Jack because I’m not going to lie I will miss him. “Sure, Jack you want anything?” Jack simple nodded his head “Yeah, could ya get me a smoothie as well it sound nice” Mum wandered off and so did we in the opposite direction

“How can you get mum to do that?” asked Jack, referring to the fact that even though she has been in a total mood ever since last night and I can simply get her to  get me some food. “Well… You just have to learn how to put on the big fake smile, the ‘i love you’ voice and just remember to not do it too much because she will love the fact that you’re her baby again” I explained and let out a light laugh. “Oh well that sounds too hard for me bro. Hey what about this book?” I look up and I see that he’s holding a book with several guns on it. I just shake my head and laugh. “How can you be so immature and only be a year younger than me.” “shut up!” Jack said the manliest way he could. I pick up a book that’s no.1 on the top books list, ‘The fault in our stars’ (i highly recommend this book!!!) and read the back, it sounded alright. “C’mon, I’ve found one and if we take too long mum will come looking for us, I’ve got her a good mood and I want her to stay like that” I walked up to the counter picked up a packet of gum and bought the book. “Thanks” I look up and smile at the young boy at the counter. “You’re welcome, beautiful” I blush and usher my brother out, I didn’t want it to get awkward. “Ohh big sister liked what she saw?” My brother nudged me, even though we didn’t act it we were rather close. “Shut up, let’s go find mum”. We walked off and found mum who had also bought herself a coffee, we sit round and finish our drinks.

I said my goodbyes and gave my hugs and off I was to wait in the boarding room. I board my flight once the call was made and the plane had taken off safely, I put my headphones in and turn up my music, I decide to take a nap because I’m shattered from being up packing all night. Halfway through the flight I’m awoken by the flight attendant walking past I sit up and begin reading my book after a few hours I was getting near the end of the book when the plot twist hit me hard, we were just about to land and I had tears streaming down my face (I won’t tell you what happened in the book because if you ever read it, it will ruin it) everyone was looking at my like I was an idiot. The seatbelt light comes on as we are descending so I read the last sentence, close the book and get ready for landing I wipe my face dry with my sleeve of my hoodie. I walk out of the plane and down to the luggage area where I was meeting Jessica and her parents, I knew I still looked like a mess but maybe they wouldn’t ask. I look around, there aren’t too many people around because of the amount of time it takes to unload all the bags and I finally spotted a girl with brown hair about my height holding a sign with my name, a smile stretches out on my face, I approach them and they see me I’m pulled into several hugs and I feel like I’ve finally been welcomed somewhere.

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