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***A/N Sorry I've taken so long!!!! I actually haven't been in the mood at all to write even though I wanted to so bad. This will get better!! So please don't stop reading, I'm hoping to update more and finish by maybe before the end of this year or early next year, depending on how long i want to extend all this. Please just let me know how long you want them to be sixtenn maybe because  i know what I'm doing afterrrrr!! Well yeah peace! (: Please keep votescoming I love you all!***

"Jessie why are we going to ah boots?"  I asked making it sound like I knew what it was. "Because of your hair, I need to dye your roots. If you want me to I just mean I saw you stressing earlier about it"  I laugh at her, she was totally embarrassed because she's known me for a small amount of time and she's trying to fix my hair. "Its fine, I'm happy about that actually I didn't know what I was going to do about this ." I said fluffing  about my hair causing us to both giggle and look like complete goons. When we arrived at boots I figured out what it was just an average pharmacy, hair colours were lined up neatly next to another. "What do we need?" I was looking around the blondes and totally ignored Jessie. "Oi, luce whatcha’ lookin’ at?" She said realising that I was paying no attention whatsoever. "Bleach, I have the red at home but I need to bleach my roots first. A lot goes into this crazy mat of hair." Jessie just sighed. "Alright, they're not going to have what you want here." She just turned around and walked out expecting me to follow her. "Ahh Jessie, where are we going now?" I asked finally catching up to her. "The mall." She simply stated and continued walking down the empty street.

After finding a strong enough bleach and walking around aimlessly for hours the juniors and primary kids started filling up the stores and we decided to walk home.

"So I can trust you right?" I asked handing over the mixed up colours to Jessica. "Yeeeeess, now ahh on the chair and pass me the brush." Jessie said pulling me to sit reaching out her hand. It took about 20 minutes to just put the lightener through my roots. "Well I have to say Cornish, this isn't too bad. You might have to come back over to new Zealand but I'll keep that offer till I see how the red goes." We sit there for 45 minutes waiting for the colour to strip from my hair. Now washed out and sitting back in the chair it was time to put trust back in Jessie. "Alright, we have two choices either put the colour all through my hair have it the same of leave the faded red and have an ombre effect." I asked handing over my bag that carried my multiple colours in it. "Ohh, lets make it surprise, so you'll just have to wait and see." I could hear the excitement fill her voice.

"Jessie, this is beautiful but there is one problem." I said walking out of the bathroom with the towel in my hands, roughly drying my hair. "Problem? What kind of problem?" Jessica stood up and walked into my room she didn't seem too happy about a problem. I flipped my hair over to the other side of my neck to reveal a large red stain covering about a quarter of my neck. "Oh my gosh, luce I'm so sorry I didn't mean too how are we going to get it off?!?" Jessie jumped off her bed and and running toward ne. Her frantic actions making me giggle. "Lucky I brought this ae?" I said still laughing at the horrified on Jessie’s face. pulling out a container that clearly stated hair colour remover. Jessie relaxed a little and pulled my downstairs so we could get a cloth to take the bright red off my skin. "Oh my gosh Jess what did you do? there was no reason to murder the poor girl." Rose said after silently walking in through the front door and into the kitchen where Jessie was still taking off the very last of the stain. I giggle and so does Jessie, “Oh thanks heavens! She’s alive” Jessie moves my hair, signalling that Jessie was done. “I’m alive Rose, you can’t get rid of me that easily!” I said standing up and ruffling my near dry hair out of habit. “Don’t be silly darling, you fit in well around here.” Rose patted me on the shoulder and sat down in the chair next to me. We sat there for a few minutes in semi-awkward silence. “Would you like a cup of tea, Rose?” I asked standing up. “Oh yes please.” I walked over to the cupboard, being a fast learner I had a good idea where everything was. I made Rose, Jessie and I a cup of tea. Once sitting down and joining in the conversation that Jessie and her mum was sharing Stephen came into the kitchen joining us at the table also. “Oh, well it seems like you girls are having a good time. Where’s my cup of tea ay?” He chuckled out as our conversation died down, “Oh I’m sorry, I can make you one if you like saying I made the rest” I offered. “no, its fine Lucy. You're not here to be a slave, I'll make one myself." I sat back down a little embarrassed for some reason, that’s me I always feel a bit out of place no matter where I am.

Stephen sat back down with his cup of tea, taking a sip he asked “Well, because we’re all sitting down at the table, lets hear what you think of England so far ay? Must be very different from New Zealand?”  I had to think about this because in all honesty it hadn’t come across my mind, I mainly was thinking about keeping Jessie safe. “Well, I think the culture is a lot friendlier, like back home people aren’t not friendly but can just be picky with who they’re nice to. Really it’s not that different, we drive on the same side of the road, no massive culture shock but then we’re a mainly european based country.” I talked making eye contact with Rose and Stephen as I talked. “What’s New Zealand like then, lu?” Jessie asked, turning toward me and bringing her tea toward her face blowing on it before taking a sip. I smiled at the fact that she had a new name for me, no-one called me lu, it was cute.

“Well it’s very small, I’m not really sure what to say about it because there is not a lot going on.” I rambled on for about 5 minutes then realised how boring it must be listening to be talking about the isolation and corruption in the small country. “Sorry, I’m boring don’t normally talk about the politic because I’m only 16 and I don’t know what I’m on about. Sorry.” I laughed and bowed my head in embarrassment. “You need to stop saying sorry hun, it’s actually rather interesting so really don’t need to say sorry.” Rose said, I had an urge to say sorry again but I though probably best not to. “Rose is right hunny, it’s very interesting to hear about other places that we don’t know much about and you’ve got some brains on ya’ if you know that much of the political side of things.” Stephen said. I just nodded and did a timid kind of silent ‘thanks’. I could see out of the corner of my eye Rose and Stephen exchange a kind of look feeling a bit guilty making me feel embarrassed, it’s not their fault anyway. “Well, look at the time Rose hun it 5.30, what time are you picking Rach up?” Stephen looked a little worried at the time, I was surprised at the length we had been sitting here. “Oh gosh!” Rose didn’t respond to the question before heading out the door in a rush. “Jessie, who’s Rach?” I asked as we were going upstairs to do some home work. “My sister, home for dinner before she goes back to London tonight.” I just nodded and went to my room to to the easy work I had to get through.

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