Is this an update???? Yes it is

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***Sorry it's been so long. Like, what 4 months. I've drifted from the fandom ever since I deleted my tumblr but I thought why not finish this. apologies in advanced though, my writing style has changed and all my emotions are different as I'm in a much better mental postion. It might be useful though to actualy write this. So tell me what you think and feel free to follow my new tumblr at Peace!!***

Jessie knocked on the door and I felt a smile spread across my face, this whole situation felt like I was about to be reunited to my long lost family. The door opened wide to a friendly face I didn’t think I missed "Jessica! What are you going here darling?” Jessie took a breath to explain but Rose cut her off before she could say a single syllable. “And is this who I think it is? Lucy?” My smile stretched even bigger and Rose pulled Jessie and I into a tight hug. “Come in, come in. Go talk to your father Jess while I go make us all some tea.” We all walked in and I close the door behind me. The feeling of this house was still the same and it just made me feel 16 again, with all the bad memories there were all the great ones too and that’s what I really needed to be reminded of. “Well Jess what a pleasant surprise to see you here, and who is your friend.” Stephen chuckled in such a way that made it obvious that he wasn’t at all surprised by Jessie being here and he knew exactly who I am. “It’s good to see you too.” I laughed out along with Jessie, he got up and hugged both of us and even though I didn’t think it was humanly possible, I smiled a little bit more. We sat round for about five minutes chatting and laughing when Rose came in with two cups of tea “I’ll just go get the other two and a plate of biscuits.” She smiled as she placed Stephen’s and Jessie’s tea on the table they were both caught up in a conversation to even realise. “I’ll help you Rose.” I got up and looked back at Jessie who still hadn’t stopped talking. “It’s good to see you finally, dear.” Rose said passing me my cuppa’. “Yeah, I’m happy to be back over here.” I laughed out and pointed to the cupboard which would normally held the biscuits to try and avoid the question that I knew was bound to come up, Rose nodded and took a sip from her tea. I reached in and pulled out the closest packet then proceeded to put them on a plate and follow Rose out of the kitchen. We sat around just talking for about an hour, every time Jessie’s eyes would burn into me I would avoid eye contact and pick up a biscuit to eat, after two I felt ill so I stopped caring what Jessie thought and didn’t eat anymore. “Well mum I think it’s best if we get going, if that’s okay.” Jessie spoke out and we all slowly got up and said our goodbyes, I walked out to the car to wait for Jessie because I knew she’d want to talk to her parents by herself. I grew tired of standing after a few minutes and sat on the curb with my back to the house and rested my head on the door, thoughts of the last week flooded my mind. How could Kelsey do that not only to me but to the other girl she was also so happily in love with, the thing that sickened me is that she chose her over me but then why not even though she’d only been going out with the other girl behind my back for a year that bitch clearly made her happier than I ever did. It broke my heart though. Thoughts kept clouding my mind. Thankfully Jessie came over and started the car which caused me to get up and get in. “Well I thought I was going to have to run you over for a minute there. You were well zoned out Lu what were you thinking about?” she asked extremely worried. “Nothing, don’t be silly.” I said smiling and waving my hand around. It wouldn’t be long, till I’d be off trying to find a proper place to stay and she wouldn’t have to talk to me much more.

“Oh okay, so you want to come back to mine and watch a movie then we could invite the girls round for some fun.” Jessie smiled at me still sounding a bit worried. “Ahh okay, do you know a good hotel so I could go get a room before we watch movies.” Jessie gasped a little and to my total surprise started giggling, well no, laughing but didn’t say a single thing nor did I, I just remained quiet. “Well you’re too silly. Lu, you will stay with me, then you won’t be out wasting all your money.” Jessie laughed out after a little while, I wasn’t too sure what to say so I managed to let out a small ‘oh’ but that’s all. Once back at Jessie’s and half way through some movie that I had no interest in did I remember that I should call my friends back home, yeah I hadn’t talked to them much in a while but I should tell them where I am and also tell mum what’s going on. I left Jessie on her couch totally caught up in the movie, grabbed my wallet and phone and headed out to the information centre I’d seen down the road. I received lecture after lecture from my friends and mum about how I was dealing with my breakup wrong, running away from my problems but it didn’t worry me. I talked to the lady at the desk and got pointed in a few right directions before heading out to get a few things that I need and to book my flight back to New Zealand because there was no way I could stay here forever.

Before I even have a chance to put down my bag to knock on the door Jessie opened it and let me in. “Where have you been? The movie finished and I looked around, I swear you had vanished into thin air.” She waved her hands round a bit and took a few of my bags, letting me in and closing the door behind us. “I went and got some food for you, I booked my flight back home, got a few things I’m lacking and called some people. How’d you even know I was at the door?” I said, putting down my bags and placing my hands on Jessie’s shoulders in attempt to calm her down. “I was watching the cameras. When are you heading back?” I laughed at Jessie and walked into the living room. “Two weeks, if you don’t want me to stay here for that long I can still book a room at a hotel.” I stated presuming it was better to dismiss the fact that she was watching the cameras to see when I was coming back. “No, no, no. It’s fine, I thought you’d be staying for longer that’s all.” She sounded a little disappointed. “I’d love to Jessie but I have to go back home and find a job and all that rubbish.” I sighed, remembering all the arguments that Kelsey and I had about how my degree was useless, how I was just letting myself get into a bad position. It was obvious that Jessie knew who I was thinking about. “come here” Jessie opened her arms to which I just fell into. I smiled and pulled back. This is what I missed most about being over here with Jessie, how she always knew when something was bothering me and how to deal with it. “Well, Jessie, you know what I’ve been doing over the past 10 years but because I have been so blatantly rude I forgot to ask, what have you done?” I asked pulling out of the hug and putting my other bags on the floor. “Well, that is a story for a bit later Lu, also all I can think about is that smell.” I crouch down and start searching through the numerous bags to find the takeaways that I had bought while out spending far too much money. the warmth of the plastic bowls warmed my boney fingers and relieved the cold I didn’t notice I was feeling. “Jessie is there any chance you have a spear  top I could wear?” I ask, passing one of the steaming containers of noodles to her. A smile stretched across Jessie’s face as she inhaled the smell of the food, a small nod followed by a wave of her hand lead me to the small coffee table that sat in front of the fireplace. Jessie clicked of the fire and walked out of the room to get me something warmer to wear.

“Mum was worried about what you’re eating, Lu.” Jess stated and I got up to take away our bowls. Out of site I rolled my eyes. “No, Luchia listen. I can see you can’t stand up for too long, you don’t have a large appetite and I know you’re recovering but you need to know that no matter what you think you are beautiful. Whatever body shape you have will look amazing but right now you’re not healthy and that’s what’s worrying me.” She remained sitting by the fire and I continued to walk into the kitchen to dispose of the greasy plastic and put the forks into the dishwasher, signalling that she did just want a casual conversation about it. I opened the dish drawer to find it full of clean dishes, a small frown appeared on my face and faded as I decided to put them away. “Look, Jessie. I know you’re worried and I don’t understand why but I will try my hardest to fix my problem on my own because that’s the way it needs to work for me now.” I meant this in the sense that without Kelsey, I was going to have to work through things by myself. I was searching through cupboards to try and figure out with stuff went. “In that one.” Jessie pointed to a draw that held the matching set of plates. “and I know you have to work through things on your own when you get back to New Zealand but right now I want to help you.”  I finished unloading the dishwasher and reloading it with all the bowls and various other utensils that I used earlier to  bake. I felt a look of confusion fill my face as I look around and couldn’t see any of the baked goods that I had made. “They’re in the cupboard, do you want some?” I let out a laugh. “No, I’m good. Eating disorder or not, I’ve had enough food for now.” I finished folding up the tea towel and went to sit down, Jessie was right about me not being able to stand up for too long but in all it was better than before. “Well, thanks for cleaning up my kitchen, I thought I was a neat freak. I might call the girls to see if they want to go out for drinks tonight. You in?” a small laugh escaped my lips as I look up over the breakfast island and see that I didn’t  really need to clean everything but did any wa. “I don’t drink, Jessie.” I make eye contact and put on a small smile. “Well, neither do I but we could just be sober or something.” Jessie finally joined me at the table. “No, I can’t really cope in drinking environments. Sorry, I’m a bit of a party pooper.” I laugh a little bit and look down at my hand. The thoughts of how the alcohol fill me with demons flood my brain. “well a restaurant then.” It was a statement not a question as she walked passed, rubbed my shoulder and went up stair, presumably to call Claire and Holly. “Just trying to fatten me up, aren’t you?” I yell a bit earning a laugh and a smart remark. “That’s the plan.”

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