She's Jessie J!!

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I arrived in London after a long wait in several airports and long plane journeys, I wish I could say it was a good time but my ipod died two hours in and my MacBook lasted what, twelve hours so I just sat there, totally confused why I had done this in the first place. "Do want any help finding your luggage" a girl my age with blonde hair asked me, giving me a fright because I was staring blankly at the conveyorbelt. "Ah no I'll be fine." I say politely back, trying my best not to make eye contact. I turn my head back to the bags slowly moving by and spot mine surrounded by other bags, I walk up to collect it, the blonde girl follows me and gets hers. I knew that this was another invitation for her to talk to me. which right now is not what I wanted. I was tired and wanted to go find a place to sleep. "So where are you staying?" She asked in the nicest way she could. "Ahh, I'm not to sure in all honesty this wasn't a planned trip." I thought more about this issue. what was I going to do. "I'm going backstage to a concert tonight if you want to come with me?" She offered, I still hadn't made eye contact with her an I thought maybe if I did she would be able to see that I just wanted a place to stay. "Look no offense, as sweet as you seem I Don't kno-CLAIR?!" as soon as I made eye contact I knew who I was talkin to. "Well it took you long enough didn't it?" A smile spread across her face so wide I  couldn't help but smile back. "Oh my gosh Clair I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise. its been a long flight. I would love to go to a concert with you, although I will have to find a hotel if the way if that's alright? " I said, excitement evident in my voice and also signaling to my bag. "Its fine babe, at least you recognised me. and awesome I think you'd like it and don't worry about your bag. you can take it with us, I know the singer so we can leave it in her room and then you can just come back to mine."Clair seemed to happy and there was nothing I could say, just hug her, I'm so happy. Jack was so right. We walked out found a taxi and headed on our way to this concert. it was a quiet ride, I think I was yo stunned to realise what was going on, like it'd been six years and I manage to just bump into Clair. and she wants to talk to me, go places its must wonderful!

"look my name Is Claire, I'm friends with the singer if you need to go in and ask fine. I have my pass so just let my friend and I in,please?" Claire was getting mad with the security man and it was when her face begun to burn up did he take the hint that Claire could go in.  "We'll be watching though" he growled which Clair just muttered something. "Well, you're a little miss to get in a tiff with aren't ya?" I laughed, cause Clair to just fix up her hair and keep walking. I giggled to myself. the show clearly hadn't started as the only noises were the loud banging echoing, peoples mumbles and my suitcase wheeling behind me. "You can leave your bag in here and we can go find the artist." Clair said opening a door to a reasonably sized dressing room. "So who is this so called artist?" I asked, finally questioning the fact that Claire had not say the singers name even once. She just aligned and shook her head. We approached, what I presumed to be the backstage area, with switches and power leads in every which way direction. "Wait here a second." and with that Claire walked away, leaving me standing behind a large speaker, I could see thousands of seats in the audience, who ever this mystery artist is they must be amazing to have have such a big venue. it'd been about five minutes and my feet we're tired, everything was tired so I sat down and leaned against a wall, with my head on my arm I felt my eyelids slowly shut where I fell into a light sleep. I heard footsteps coming towards me and two chirpy voice getting louder and louder as they drew nearer, I opened my eyes but kept my forehead on my arms, much too tired to pick it up. "Lucy." Claire’s voice forced me to lift my head. "Jessica!?!" utterly shocked I holes to my feet and pulled her into a hug. "Oh lu! babe! " Her surprisment caused me to giggle, she hugged me tighter still, all I could do was smile. “So you’ve come to see me sing?” Jessie asked, stepping back to stand next to Claire. I widened my eyes and looked between Claire and Jessie. “Wait what? You’re performing? This place is massive.” I blurted out, I sounded like an utter bitch, I didn’t mean to sound so surprised. “Oh my gosh, Jessica. I’m sorry, I mean that’s awesome. I’m sorry if I offended you. Sorry.” I continued to ramble, I bowed my head in pure shame, I need to think before I speak, thoughts about all the times I said stupid things filled my mind, one reason Kelsey left. Giggling filled my ears as Jessica and Claire linked up with with each of my arms. “Oh lu, calm down babe. it’s fine, lets go find Holly.” Jessie rubbed my face in a comforting was, I smiled and kept my head down.

“Is that who I think it is?” A chirpy voice paired with a gleeful face came running towards me, a smile spread across my face. “Holly!” I went forward  with open arms and her hair quickly flew into my face. “Well it’s good to know your energy levels haven’t gone down!” Holly laughed and so did the rest of us. “JESS! We have soundcheck, care to come?” A female’s voice came from behind us, Jessie just looked at us with sorrow and ran off. After a few hours of chatting with Claire and Holly did we come aware of the time and the noise of which the crowd was making. “We’ll have a proper, proper catch up tonight with Jess. Let’s go watch the show.” Holly jumped up and ran out the room, Claire and I looked at each other and ran after Holly, man that girl was jumpy. We got in front row, I’m not sure if Jessie could see us but that wasn’t a worry, it was going to be a good time.  All at once did I click, it was probably the 4th song Jessie started singing did I realise she’s Jessie J, it was the start of last song ‘Thunder’ and my excitement levels went up and I cheered, I could hear Holly laughing at me as I smiled and looked up at Jessie. “wait, wait, wait.” Jessie said directing it at her band, she ran towards us and leant over the side of the stage. “Lu, you know this song?” Her microphone away from us so no-one would hear, a toothy smiled spread on her face. “I love this song. So are you going to sing it?” I laughed, talking fast so Jessie could get back on stage. “Pass your hand.” Before I even had time to think Jessie had pulled me up on stage and ordered for a microphone for me to use, I was shocked. “Sorry, but you’re singing this with me. We didn’t get to do our last performance so this is it, just look at me, you’ll be fine.” Jessie half yelled at me as the music started. By the end of the song I was in tears and Jessie resembled a cheshire cat. Jessie wiped my tears and whispered to me not to cry. “Well, that was unexpected, everyone this is my friend Lucy who showed up out of nowhere after what? 10 years so I thought this should be her punishment for not talking to me, I bowed my head and laughed. “Thank you Jessica” I could barely get it out without being flooded my more tears. The whole crowd awed cause Jessie and I to laugh. “Okay guys, I think this is enough punishment for her. Crying infront of thousands live and then cameras that record the whole ordeal must be pretty embarrassing. Thank you for tonight all of you!” Jessie had her arm over my shoulder and rubbed my back throughout her small speech that she ended with. Jessie took my hand and ran off stage, me trailing behind like a lost puppy. Holly and Claire came running up to us screaming. “Lucy! I didn’t know you could sing like a fucking magician.” Claire came up to me and hugged me. “C’mon let’s go back to mine and catch up, right Holly and I meet you two at the car in twenty minutes. Go!” And with that Claire ran off with Holly. “I left my bag in your dressing room if that’s okay?” I asked cautiously, I knew Jessica well and she’s far too happy with me right now for what I did and now just showing up. We enter her dressing room which looks tidied up any way, Jessie puts a few things in a large bag and sat down on the small couch. “Sit. You have about 15 minutes to tell me why the hell you did not send a single fucking message. You have 15 minutes to give me a solid reason why I should speak another single syllable to you.” I was rather shocked at this, I knew she would be mad but not this pissed. “My silence is your queue.”

OKAY. I haven't really proof read or anything. I hope everything is okay to read because I get mad when things don't make sense..... tell me what you thing pleeeaaase! also idk sorry about the wait and the quality of my writing as it is poor atm... lotss of things to do at school

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