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"I'm telling you, she's never going to call... or text!"

Felicity took her glasses off to pinch the bridge of her nose before putting them back on to glanced at an agitated Barry. He was pacing nervously back and forth in her office – had been doing it for the past 10 minutes – it was kind of getting on her nerves now.

"That's probably because you're bad at flirting." Felicity teased, trying to ease up the tension in his shoulder with a joke. The glare he threw in her way told her that he didn't appreciate it.

It had been a week since Barry had met with his target and he still hadn't heard back from her. She knew him well enough to know that he was nervous about not getting his job done. "Relax, give her some time."

"We don't really have time. Oliver is busting my ass so that I work faster." Barry threw his hand in the air in despair. "And I can feel it. She's too guarded to make the first move. You guys chose the worst target possible. She's closed off, shy and probably stubborn. How do you want me to work with that?!" He stopped dead on his tracks as an idea formed itself in his mind. Felicity could almost see the light bulb lightning up above is head. He turned towards her with a hopeful look on his face. "You can track her down, right? I can go and 'accidently' bump into her." He said, making the air-quote-sign with his hands.

"I guess so... But try not to be too obvious about it." Felicity gave him a stern look above her glasses. "I know you're a trained spy and everything, but sometimes your poker face falls when you do something ridiculous, like bumping into someone."

"Nah, don't worry Smoak, I'm the best here." He replied with some pride and a wink. "I just need to show Oliver that I'm doing at least some progress in the case."

Felicity shook her head – this was going to be interesting to watch.


"Okay, she's in the alley right behind you. Go in position!"

Barry positioned himself at the end of his alley and looked the other way, following the orders he was getting from Felicity in his earpiece. If anyone were to take a look at him, they would frown at his weird behaviour, standing stiffly at the end of a supermarket alley, staring straight ahead of him.

"Good, now walk backwards."

"What?!" Barry muttered through his grit teeth in his sleeve-microphone.

"You wanted to bump into her right? Now go backwards!" She hissed in his ear making him wince.

He rolled his eyes and followed his instructions.

"Collision in 5... 4... 3..."

"Damn it!" was the first thing that came out of his mouth as he felt a body crash against his. With a genuine surprised look on his face, Barry turned around to face a dishevelled Caitlin Snow. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was... Dr. Snow?!"

She was wearing a mortified look accompanied with some surprise on her face. "Mr. Allen! What are you doing here?" Her voice was a bit strained.

Barry straightened his shirt and picked up the few things he had dropped because of the collision. On purpose, Felicity had begun the countdown too late, so that his reaction would be honest and believable. He would have to thank her later. Barry shook his head as he stood back up. "Well same thing as you apparently, doing some groceries."

"You shop here too?" Caitlin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, I live right around the block." This was a total lie. He lived almost at the other side of the city. Starling Investigation had suggested giving him a brand new apartment not far from hers, in case he ever needed to bring her home. But he had respectfully declined – they weren't even close to that stage. Until then, he would just pretend living in the same neighbourhood as her. Like he was pretending everything else.

Covert Affair [Snowbarry Spy AU]Where stories live. Discover now