Bring Me Down With You

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"I found the red princess eavesdropping." Jay smirked.

Barry clenched his jaw at the sight of Caitlin flushed against Jay's body, her hands locked behind her back, the gun right under her head, pointing up. Images flashed through Barry's mind, flashbacks from his nightmare, Caitlin pointing a gun towards herself. His heart clenched at the memory. There was no way Barry would let today end the way his nightmare had. He would do everything to protect her.

Angrily, he wrenched his hand away from Dr. Wells' grip. "Let her go!" Barry groaned through grit teeth, his eyes throwing daggers towards Jay whose smirk just widened. The bastard was actually enjoying this, having this woman at his mercy and being the aim of a young man's weak threatening attempts.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Dr. Wells shut him up. "I'm not really sure you are in position to make demands, Mr. Allen." He simply stated and Barry felt like he was watching that video he had found all over again. There was no doubt that the Wells from the video and the Wells standing next to him were the exact same person.

Barry turned around, staring straight into Dr. Wells' eyes. "Please, you can have me, but let her go. She has nothing to do with this." He pleaded in spite of himself. Begging to a criminal was the last thing he wanted to do right now. But he didn't really have a choice – he had to do everything in his power to get Caitlin out of this mess. He was responsible for everything. He had to get her out.

The older doctor's shoulders shook from laughter and Barry had to fight not to groan from disgust. "I don't think you understand, Mr. Allen." He spoke with a calm and deep voice, remembering Barry more and more of the video he had seen just half an hour ago. "If you are here tonight, it's because Dr. Snow invited you. She's the one who brought you here. Which means, she has something to do with this." He explained very seriously, almost as if he was doing a scientific demonstration. "I would even say that she has everything to do with this."

Barry swallowed hard. He had to think fast. But his mind was frozen. All he could think about was the gun pointing at Caitlin and her life standing on the mere move he would do.

Before he could think of something smart to say, Dr. Wells continued in a low tone. "I saw you hanging out around Dr. Snow and S.T.A.R. labs but you were pretty harmless at the time. I found your weak attempts quite amusing." He chuckled, still amused by the whole situation. "But you stepped up your game tonight and I was almost impressed. So you see, you stepped over a line here. And I obviously have no other choice than to get rid of you." A smirk slowly stretched his lips mischievously. "Both of you."

Barry's heart missed a beat as he heard Caitlin gasp behind him. He cautiously glanced at her and saw Jay's grip tightening on her, her red dress wrinkled because of the unnatural position Caitlin was currently standing in. Seeing Jay's hands on her body was making him sick and it was even worse because he couldn't do anything about it.

"Do you really think that your sneaking around would go unnoticed?" Dr. Wells continued, not paying any attention to Caitlin and Jay. "I have a top security system at the entrance of my lab, do you really think I'm dumb enough to not have any inside?"

"Fine, you caught me. I went through your stuff." Barry spat out angrily. "But leave Caitlin alone!" His clenched jaw was making his teeth hurt. "Do what you want with me, but let her go." Maybe repeating it would make Dr. Wells reconsider. Barry tried to swallow the lump in the back of his throat, unsuccessfully.

"Oh I wouldn't want to tear you two lovebirds apart." Dr. Wells snickered.

Barry groaned and the older man's smirk just widened from satisfaction.

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