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A/N: I want to thank you all again and again for your support! I love how you guys get excited about this story, it always makes my day!

Anyway, here you go, what you all were waiting for! I hope you guys are ready! :P

I don't own anything :) (yup, even borrowed a scene from the actual show for this chapter!)


"There, on your left."

Barry turned his head and was met with a wall. "Hum... There is nothing on my left." He whispered in his sleeve. He was currently in the middle of the corridors of the 1st floor of S.T.A.R. labs, following Felicity's directions. Everything had gone without a hitch ever since he had left the ballroom a few minutes ago. He met no one on his way and every direction Felicity gave him was correct. Well except that last one.

"Well there should be something. According to the blueprints I have, there should be a room right there." Felicity insisted, her voice a little strained.

He was amazed that his colleagues had actually managed to get hold of the S.T.A.R. labs' blueprints. And if they said there was a room there, he should look for it. Barry put both of his hands on the sleek wall and felt around to see if there was some kind of trigger he could activate. After a few seconds of blindly touching the surface, the palm of his right hand sank into the wall as a fragment of it yielded under the pressure. He had found the hidden button.

Right in front of him, he watched with surprise as a door drew itself in the wall, opening itself for him, revealing a square darkened room behind. Cautiously, Barry entered, checking that he was still alone.

"Eureka! You're a genius Barry!" Felicity squealed in excitement in his ear and he could perfectly imagine her hopping on her chair.

Barry didn't bother to reply, taking in his surroundings. He slightly startled when the room lighted up as soon as he set foot in it. The room was completely empty and Barry wondered what the point of having a secret room was, if you weren't going to use it. But the spy inside of him told him to look further.

So he was almost not surprised when, as he set his feet in the middle of the room, a small pillar came out of the ground, stopping when it came to his waist's high. On it was a laptop on display. Barry frowned and glanced around him, almost expecting to see a camera in one corner to show that he had been pranked. Because this was too easy. They couldn't just give him a computer like that.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Barry? The coast is clear, take a look at the damn laptop!" Felicity almost gave him a heart attack. Everything had been so quiet that he had forgotten that she was virtually with him.

Barry took a deep breath and opened the laptop. He took his USB stick from the inside pocket of his tux and inserted it in the computer. He took a swift look of the files' names and took everything that seemed relevant for his case.

Everything was going as planned. The USB stick was top technology, allowing him to download tones of data on it with incredible speed. So when one of the files refused to be transferred, his heartbeat picked up its pace and Barry's mind got sharper.

"Felicity, I need your help." He called out to the young IT expert. "Can you access the computer from where you are?"

"Honestly, I'm offended you even have to ask! I have a wireless connection to the USB stick so I can basically do anything from here." She bragged on. "I'm a genius right?"

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