The Echo In The Warehouse

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Their car pulled up in front of a huge warehouse that looked pretty much abandoned. They were in the middle of nowhere, thirty minutes away from Central City, no sign of a single human being around.

Barry bowed forward in the passenger seat to take a better look at the building through the windshield of their car. "You're sure it's here?"

Eddie took the keys out of the ignition and shrugged. "Well the GPS says so." He grumbled at the message that the device displayed: 'You have reached your destination!' They had driven in circles for a good twenty minutes, not finding the way even with the technology available. Finally, Eddie had spotted the Warehouse from a distance and had cursed the GPS that had insisted that they had to take a U-Turn as soon as possible – every 3 minutes.

Carefully, he stepped out of the car, soon followed by his partner. Both of them checked around if anything would catch their attention, but there was nothing aside from a deadly silence. "What is this place?" Eddie whispered as Barry joined him in front of their car.

"I have absolutely no idea, but it gives me the creeps." Barry mumbled, a chill running up his spine.

"Same here."

They shared a cautious glance before Eddie nodded towards the abandoned building.

Slowly, both agents made their way towards the small door blended in the warehouse's facade, almost invisible to someone not paying attention. Eddie placed himself against the wall, putting his hand on the door handle before glancing behind him, making sure that Barry was in position. They both took their guns and flashlights out, ready to shoot if necessary. Barry nodded in his partner's direction and Eddie cautiously pushed on the handle.

A greasy sound echoed inside the warehouse followed by the grating of the door. Eddie pushed it opened with his foot and swiftly went inside, his gun drawn in front of him, the small ray of light from his flashlight guiding him. Barry was attached to his hip, checking his blind spot. They were both really tense and aware of every sound surrounding them, so much that the silence seemed to be noisy.

Together, they navigated in the empty warehouse, checking every angle and every crease to make sure they were alone. The flashlights were reverberating on every dust particle indicating that the place hadn't been regularly used in some time.

"Clear." Eddie's voice echoed in the vast space when he finished pacing around the place.

"Clear." Barry repeated and they both put away their weapons.

The whole warehouse was almost empty, aside from spider webs, some barrels and wooden crates. "There isn't much here." Eddie commented as they returned towards the entrance. He ran one finger on a box and made a disgusted face as he realised he had just gathered all the dust, that had been piling up there for god knows how long, on his finger.

Barry chuckled before making his way towards a crate to check if there was anything in it. It was hermetically closed and Barry felt around to see if there were any easy openings to it. He huffed in annoyance when he didn't find any. "There has to be something here. Otherwise why would Caitlin protect this location?"

"Just for fun?" Eddie suggested with a shrug.

Barry made a face, not convinced. "She's not that kind of person, she wouldn't waste her time to do that. But I also can't imagine her doing anything illegal, even less being related to a place like this." He remarked as his shoulders slumped down a little. "Maybe I don't know her as well as I thought." He whispered to himself.

He shook his head to snap back into focus and continued his search knocking on the wood, checking if it sounded filled or empty. If his hearing was correct, the box seemed empty.

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