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"Okay, so we have some new top device coming in from Palmer Tech just for you."

Barry raised an eyebrow questioningly as Felicity entered her office, her high heels clicking loudly on the ground and handed him a small box. He sat straighter in the chair and opened it. Inside were a barely visible earpiece, microphone and camera.

"These are brand new. They are made of a particular substance that is undetectable by metal detectors." Felicity explained and Barry made an impressed face as she sat down behind her desk. "And they are so tiny that nobody will be able to notice them as you wear them. Because with the short messy hair you've got going on here," she gestured to his hair with a doubtful smirk, "your date would spot a normal earpiece from a mile away."

Barry patted his hair self-consciously. He loved his haircut. Even more since that time Caitlin had told him how she felt about it. It had been simple, really. He wasn't even sure Caitlin had been consciously declaring her love to them. But he had understood the message loud and clear: he shouldn't mess with his current haircut. They had been lying in bed, limbs tangled together and her hands had been buried in his hair – like most of the time when they were cuddling. He had been humming in contentment while she had softly rubbed her nose against his, gazing deep into his eyes. "It feels like your hair has been made for my hands to mess with it." She had grinned at him before kissing him deeply, her hands still toying with his hair to his utmost pleasure.

"Anyway," Felicity continued, standing up again, oblivious to Barry's mind-wandering, "with that, we'll be able to follow you around inside S.T.A.R. labs during the annual Gala. Don't worry! I'll let you have fun. I'm just here to have your back." She explained as she saw him frown.

"How are you going to do that?" Barry finally asked.

"Well we have a team that has been working on hacking the S.T.A.R. labs' security system since the beginning of this case. And they finally found a crack in their armour." She hopped excitedly on her feet, proud of their work. "So I'll have access to the security videos. I won't have any sound except coming from you though."

Eddie entered her office at that precise moment and whistled as he looked at the small technology Barry had in his hands. "Why don't I get toys like these?" The blond man complained playfully.

"Well, you're not the one going undercover for this mission, mister." Felicity greeted him big a big smile.

Eddie shrugged. "Yeah, about that, I'm way better looking than Barry. Why didn't you guys choose me for the job?"

"That's because blond guys aren't Caitlin's type." Barry teased him with a wink and Eddie just chuckled. They all knew Eddie was joking. Ever since he began dating Iris, he had requested to be left out of the kind of missions that could jeopardise his relationship. And they had respected that.

Felicity continued explaining the plan to them and Barry just listened with one ear, his mind wondering about the 'what if's'. If Eddie had been the one going undercover, he would be the one dating Caitlin right now. Maybe he would be the one falling in love with her. Maybe Barry would still be the agent so sure of himself that nothing could stop him. Maybe he would still have complete faith in his job. Maybe his mind would be at ease. But one thing was sure: he wouldn't give anything back, if it meant he wouldn't know Caitlin like he did now.

"By the way, we got the results back from the lab." Eddie finally explained his presence in Felicity's office.

Barry's eyes flew to his partner in curiosity. "Really? What do you have?"

"Well, the forensic pathologist found a match for both bodies in our database. It seems like we found the remains of a certain Dr. Harrison Wells and a Dr. Jay Garrick."

Covert Affair [Snowbarry Spy AU]Where stories live. Discover now