Patient X

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When Barry arrived at the Headquarters a few minutes after having left the café, he wasn't expecting to see so many people in Felicity's office. As usual, she was sitting at her desk staring at her computer screen and Oliver was standing right behind her. What was out of the ordinary was John Diggle also standing in the room with the young IT expert to whom Barry had given his USB stick. There was also Iris West, their reporter and Barry's best friend.

"Hum... What's going on here?" Barry asked cautiously as he entered the room.

All sets of eyes flew up in his direction and Felicity told him to look at her screen with a hand movement. "Most of the files you got from Dr. Snow's computer were pretty harmless, typical scientific projects, some articles and researches... Nothing we didn't already know. What caught our attention were the patient files she has in her possession."

Barry stood next to his boss without giving him a second thought and curiously glanced at the computer screen. He could see dozens and dozens of files with each a different name on it. "Isn't it illegal to look at that?" Barry asked.

"In theory, it is. But because the city's safety is at stake, Starling Investigation as the right to." John quickly explained with a shrug. "Don't ask me how, I wouldn't be able to explain it."

Barry nodded and looked more intently at the file Felicity had just opened on a bigger screen on the wall of the room. "I was in charge of finding the suspicious things in theses files." Iris explained, approaching the big screen. "This seems like an ordinary patient file at first. But one intervention tickled my curiosity. This guy had plastic surgery."

Barry frowned. "Why would Caitlin have a plastic surgery patient?"

"Exactly what I thought." Iris continued, proud of her friend's quick thinking. "Except this isn't Dr. Snow's patient. The signature at the bottom of the file is Dr. Wells's." She pointed at the quickly scribbled signature. Right beside it, Felicity pulled out Caitlin's signature, which carried a swift grace, like Caitlin had spent time and effort to perfect it.

"But he's not a medical doctor, right? He shouldn't have been allowed to sign this document." Barry approached the screen to look at the details closer.

"That's why I called you so that you could come here as fast as possible." Felicity intervened. "There's something absolutely fishy about the whole thing. This opens a lot of new questions."

"Why would Dr. Snow have this file in her possession? Is she involved in all of this? Can you trust her?" John asked.

"Who is this patient and why is he that important that Dr. Wells signed his patient file?" Iris continued. At the mention, Barry looked for the patient's name on the file. But it was blacked out and the name of the document itself was 'Patient X'.

"What does he have to do with S.T.A.R. labs and is he a threat to the city?" Oliver finished. Because who would do extensive plastic if it wasn't to hide something?

So many questions were fighting together in Barry's mind. But the question that seemed more important to him was: 'What was Caitlin's involvement in all of this?'


"So, how is it going with your case?"

Barry launched himself at Eddie once again, dodging a right hook and grabbing him by the waist to tackle him to the ground. Eddie let out a loud puff of air at the impact, raising his hand in surrender. Barry let go of him to stand up and then stretched a hand to help him up.

Covert Affair [Snowbarry Spy AU]Where stories live. Discover now