Please, Forgive Me

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A/N: Thank you all for the comments and everything, it means the world to me :) I hope you enjoy this chapter!





That's how Barry felt at the moment. Like everything he had believed in had just been thrown away and burned down into ashes.

"I'm sorry Barry, but I'm afraid your parents were murdered by Hunter Zolomon, under the order of Eobard Thawne, to get access to these researches that helped creating the particle accelerator."

It was still ringing in his ears. Lyla had almost whispered those words but it felt like she had shouted them. The room around them had been so quiet that he was pretty sure everyone had heard them. And Barry could hear the words being repeated on and on in his head.

Over the years, he had almost come to peace with his parents' death. He had always known that something had been funky about it all, that it hadn't been a simple burglary gone wrong. But he had accepted not knowing what had really happened.

He had decided to move on, to take his life into his own hands, to help people, to have a purpose, to make his parents proud, wherever they were. Getting a job at Starling Investigation had been the beginning of his new life, working undercover to stop criminals before they could hurt the world.

He had never expected that working here would lead him to find the real reason behind all of it, why his parents were dead, to find the person that had taken them away from him.

Lyla stood up from her crouching position, squeezed Barry's shoulder affectionately and turned towards Caitlin. "Dr. Snow, if you would like to follow me?"

Caitlin silently nodded and stood up, taking her small purse with her. She was still wearing her red dress but had taken her high heels off. Barry's suit jacket was still draped around her shoulders to keep her warm. The run inside S.T.A.R. labs had taken a toll on her feet and she had freed them as soon as possible. She swiftly bent down to take her shoes in her hand and followed Lyla as she made her way out of the room.

The movement of the two women leaving in the corner of Barry's vision snapped him out of his trance. There was one other thing Barry hadn't expected when he began working as a spy: finding the love of his life. He shot out of his chair and ran after them, joining the two women in the corridor.

"Cait, wait!" He called out, making them stop in their tracks.

Lyla sent an inquiring glance at Caitlin and let the two talk for a moment when the young doctor just nodded to her that she was okay.

Barry felt like some hope was brought to life in his chest as Caitlin let him approach her.

"What do you want Barry?" She asked with a strained voice.

"A lot of things... I want to explain... I want to give you the answers you're looking for... I want to apologise to you... I want to know if there's still hope for me, for us... I want to know if you can forgive me..." He pleaded with a shaky voice, almost running out of air because of how fast he was speaking.

She took a deep breath, her arms crossing around her body as a defence mechanism. "I really can't deal with this right now, it's too much... I'm sorry for what you just found out about your parents, I really am..."

"It's not your fault, Cait." He shook his head, interrupting her.

She gave him a sincere apologetic look. "I just have one question."

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