Let Me Hold You

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"Well I think it went pretty well, right?" Barry asked cheerfully from the passenger seat. "Nobody tried to kill me, so that's a win."

Caitlin glanced at him, a light smile curling her lips up, before looking back to the road. They had left her family house for about 20 minutes and the weight lying on their shoulders the whole day had finally been lifted, breathing was easier and her heart was beating crazily. Barry felt like he was on a sugar rush, his lungs too full of air and his lips so stretched that he could feel cramps in his cheeks. And everything felt right.

Caitlin shrugged, trying to act unaffected. "Yes, I think you handled things pretty nicely."

He turned his head so quickly to face her that she was afraid he would actually break his neck. "You think so?" A look of shock was plastered all over his face.

"I do." She replied softly, peeking at his goofy face, her heart getting bigger in her rib cage. "Besides, Nathan was so happy to find someone able to keep up with his fitness addiction, it was pretty cute."

Barry chuckled at the mention, relaxing back in his seat. True enough, Nathan had begun talking about his weekly trips to the gym and had even wanted to show them some of his favourite moves. Without really thinking about impressing anyone, Barry had given him a few tips to work out more effectively. From then on, Nathan had turned all heart-eyes for Barry for the rest of the evening.

"I didn't even know you worked out that much." She innocently remarked, one corner of her lips going up. Obviously, Caitlin had noticed how well built Barry was, slim yet muscular. Quite often she had found herself thinking about his hard body against hers while they would cuddle. She had never seen what was hiding under his shirt, but she had felt it. And she was intrigued by it.

Barry went silent for a moment. "Oh... huh... I work out... occasionally." He finally said without giving her more information, yet bringing her out of her daydreaming. He couldn't really tell her that he had to be fit for his work, since being a forensic scientist didn't really require any special physical skills. He decided to deviate the subject. "Your brother is some interesting dude."

"He is." Caitlin nodded as she took a turn on the road. "Not really what you would expect from a PhD in English literature, right?"

"Not at all." Barry chuckled.

Caitlin checked her rear-view mirror before driving on the highway. "He always used to say he needed to protect himself if someday someone tried to steal his books." She added with the typical Caitlin-roll-of-eyes that Barry adored.

"Fair enough." He laughed. "Well, I like him. We promised to go for a run together one of these days."

Caitlin raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's nice."

Barry beamed at her, momentarily catching her eyes and she had to take a deep breath to keep herself from pulling over and kiss his smile off his face. Today, she had discovered how easily Barry could adapt himself to a situation. She had seen him getting along with her family so well, that it had made her like him even more than before. She had never realised how much the approval of her family actually mattered to her. And Barry had passed the test with flying colours.

It was getting late, but Caitlin wasn't quite ready for the day to end. A few hours ago, she had had so many doubts about her whole relationship with Barry. But right now everything seemed in place. She felt good.

They stayed in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride, tired but content with the events of the day. When they arrived back at her building, she parked in her usual place and they got out of the car. Barry opened her trunk to get his bag and his helmet. His red motorbike was standing right next to her car where he had left it a few hours ago. He put his things down and went to put his arms around her waist as she locked her car.

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