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Rain poured down outside the bedroom window as two blonde boys laid on their stomachs next to each other, their faces lit up in grins as they stared at the laptop screen in front of them.

"I've never done this before," Ashton giggled, his hazel eyes bright as he reflected Luke's excited demeanour.

Luke smirked. "Me neither. What do I type in to the browser?"

"Uh, porn.com? I don't really know," Ashton admitted.

Yes, the two teenagers were looking up porn together for the first time in their lives. Both not horny, simply curious as they had never really thought of the concept of sex.

"I hate being raised so sheltered," Luke sighed. "Michael and Calum openly talk about sex with their families. Why can't that happen with us?"

Ashton shook his head. "My Mum is really set on me having sex after marriage. Gay or not, she wants me to save myself for that special person."

Luke turned his lips up at the bigger boy's words. "My family is worse. I can't even have a boyfriend or a girlfriend until I leave for college."

"You know I heard somewhere that bisexuals are the horniest," Ashton remarked as Luke rolled his eyes and typed in "porn.com."

A link popped up, which read, "videos of teenage twinks trying kinks!"

"Click on that," Ashton pointed.

Luke obliged, but not before checking his closed bedroom door to make sure his parents weren't watching. They were very, very strict about Luke looking up naughty things so they had to use Ashton's laptop.

"Ashton, have you ever masturbated before?" Luke asked suddenly, biting the cold metal ring on his lip.

Ashton shook his golden-haired head. "Never. I've never really thought about sex until you suggested we do this."

The page loaded, and suddenly the two boys were swept at the countless video options waiting for them.

"Holy shit, I didn't realise there were so many videos," Luke's brow furrowed and his wide eyes scanned the page with curiosity.

"Oi. Luke. Snap out of it mate!" Ashton laughed, snapping his long fingers in front of Luke's vision.

"Hmm? What?" Luke tore his gaze away from the webpage.

"Click on a video," Ashton smirked.

Luke gulped as his eyes trailed to a thumbnail of two blonde boys gripping each other's hair, their heads thrown back in pleasure.

"I've never watched this type of stuff before," Luke said in a small voice.

Ashton laughed. "Well neither have I, but we can't stay lame our entire life right? We have to get out there, explore the world wide web a little bit!"

Luke giggled and rolled his eyes. "You're such a dweeb Ashton, but I agree. We're teenagers. I mean, you're a senior in high school! You're seventeen. You definitely need to look this stuff up. And I'm sixteen but I guess it applies to me too. If Calum and Michael can do it, so can we."

Luke finished his little speech proudly, confidence radiating as he clicked on the thumbnail of the two blonde boys.

"Hi Daddy," the smaller of the boys said.

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