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"Are they still glaring at us?" Ashton whispered to Luke, his eyes glued to his phone, refusing to look up.

Luke peaked out of the corner of his eyes to the end of the table where he saw Calum and Michael, harsh looks darkening their faces as they stared at the other two boys.

"Yep," Luke muttered, grabbing his backpack. "C'mon, I don't want to be here if they're just going to glare at us the entire time."

"Let's go," Ashton sighed, putting a protective hand around Luke's shoulders, leading him out of the cafeteria.

"How noble of you," Luke replied sarcastically, however a tinge of admiration laced in his voice.

"When does school end?" Ashton muttered, both of them knowing what the other was thinking.

"Well.... This block doesn't end for another forty five minutes," Luke smirked, his eyes traveling to Ashton's bulge.

"What are you suggesting, Hemmings?" Ashton breathed, leading Luke into an empty bathroom and throwing the door open to the farthest stall.

Ashton laughed as Luke sat him down on a toilet seat and straddled him, the space in the stall so tight that their chests were pressed against each other.

"I suggest," Luke grinned, reaching down to graze his fingers lightly over the tent in Ashton's pants, "that we have a little fun, right here, right now."

"It's on the list," Ashton smirked, a large hand traveling down to Luke's ass, kneading it softly.

"We have to be quiet," Luke murmured, pressing his lips, red with lust to Ashton's.

Ashton nodded, slowly shimmying Luke's pants off and dropping them on to the stall floor.

"I'm so fucking hard Ash," Luke breathed into Ashton's ear, making him, if possible, even more horny.

"Shhh," Ashton murmured, clumsily getting out of his own pants, Luke smirking as Ashton's hardened length sprung up. "Don't let anyone hear you kitten."

"Yes Daddy," Luke whispered, spitting onto his palm and coating Ashton's length with saliva before slowly sitting himself down onto it.

"Oh fuck me," Ashton whimpered at the feeling of Luke's walls around him and he bucked his hips up in protest, encouraging Luke to move a little quicker.

However the block wasn't going to end for about forty minutes now, and they were in the bathroom that nobody went in.... so why not have a little bit of fun?

Luke grinned, his dimples popping as he rolled his hips back onto Ashton's cock, enjoying the whimpered pleas falling from Ashton's lips.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Ashton said hoarsely, his large hands dragging down Luke's forearms as the blonder boy picked up his speed, his body rolling on Ashton's lap as they fucked in the tiny darkened stall.

"Touch me Ashton," Luke's breath hitched when Ashton went from kneading his ass to rubbing the tip of Luke's shaft, beads of pre-cum being wiped away by Ashton's thumb as he started to slowly stroke him off.

Luke's breath picked up and his brow furrowed in concentration, his hands pressed against each side of the small stall as he resorted to bouncing up and down on Ashton's cock while he was jacked off in rhythm to his riding, the only sounds of the bathroom being the drip of the broken faucet and the slap of skin on skin.

"This was such a good idea," Ashton grunted as Luke squeezed himself harder onto Ashton's length as he picked up speed in his riding.

"You're welcome," Luke tried to say, but instead it came out as a low moan as he felt the tip of Ashton's shaft graze his prostate and eager for the feeling to return, Luke bounced himself harder onto the boy, picking up his pace and slamming himself down, each time now letting out small whimpers as the feeling returned again and again.

"G-gonna cum Daddy," Luke could barely get the words out as he threw his head back in ecstasy, his entire body shaking and with a sharp gasp, came on Ashton's chest, neck, and lips.

The sight of Luke's head thrown back and his trembling lips were all Ashton needed to see before shoving Luke off and climaxing all over the stall door.

The two teens sat there for a second, catching their breath and giggling at one another's expressions.

"Think anybody heard us?" Luke smirked, pulling his pants up.

"Nah," Ashton chuckled, pulling some toilet paper out of the dispenser and wiping down his shirt and the walls. "Nobody even comes in here, remember?"

"But we can still cross it off right?" Luke asked. "Since we are in school."

"Yeah, I'd say so," Ashton replied, scrubbing at his shirt furiously with the towel.

"Here," Luke sighed, handing him his sweatshirt, "just take this."

Ashton blushed as he slid the hoodie over himself. "Won't people notice that I'm wearing your hoodie?"

Luke shrugged. "I couldn't care less. What should we do now?"

"Check it off the list. It's on my phone, remember?" Ashton smiled, pulling the list up on his phone.

1. Spanking
2. Hair pulling
3. Handcuffs, light bondage
4. Role play and cross-dressing
5. Over stimulation
6. Pet names and Daddy kink
7. Cumming more than once
8. Sex toys
9. Choking
10. Hickies and scratching
11. Public fucking
12. Water play

"Only five more left," Luke murmured, disappointment laced in his tone.

Ashton chuckled, placing a soft kiss on Luke's neck. "That's okay, we've had fun doing it right? That's what really matters."

Luke smiled. "Yeah, we've had fun doing it. So what should we do next?"

Ashton frowned. "What about this one?" He smirked, pointing at the list.

"Perfect," Luke giggled, his hand traveling to the back of Ashton's neck to pull him into a kiss.

As the rest of the block continued, the two boys sat in the cramped stall, kissing slowly and murmuring dirty things into each other's ears.

"I wish we could do this for the rest of the day," Luke sighed as the bell rang, startling them out of their embrace.

Ashton sweetly pecked Luke's lips. "We'll have plenty of other times cutie, I promise. Now let's get out of here."

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