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Luke was buzzing as he squirmed in his chair, holding in the news he so desperately wanted to tell his friends, but couldn't.

He wasn't a virgin anymore.

Finally! After years of waiting, he was no longer a virgin. He wanted to scream it to Mikey and Cal, boast the news to them both.

But unfortunately that could never happen because well- Luke fucked his best friend. Or, his best friend fucked him, to put it in better terms.

"Hi Luke," Calum grinned, tossing his bag onto the lunch table. "How's my little church boy feeling?"

Luke took his lip ring between his teeth, fighting an urge to tell Calum exactly how he was feeling.

Michael and Ashton soon plopped down across from Luke and Calum.

"Hey Mikey, hey Ash," Calum greeted.

Ashton's eyes flickered from Calum to Luke.

Luke shot Ashton a look that he hoped sent the message; don't make it look obvious.

Ashton seemed to understand and he gave Luke a tiny nod.

"So what did you guys do yesterday?" Michael asked casually, his gaze on his phone.

Luke bit his lip. "Erm.... Ash came over and we played FIFA."

Calum laughed. "Ash you hate FIFA."

"I like it now," Ashton said with a nervous laugh. "It's fun."

Michael smirked. "Well maybe we can go over to Luke's tomorrow and play some."

"Can't. I have guitar lessons," Luke lied.

"I've got play rehearsal," Ashton said, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

Michael looked back and forth between the two golden-haired boys. "Are you guys okay? You two seem out of it."

Michael's question was followed with a response of mutters and denials from Ashton and Luke.

Calum shook his head and chuckled. "Okay guys."

The bell rang.

"See you both later," Michael smirked, tossing his bag over his shoulder and following Calum out of the cafeteria.

Luke and Ashton exchanged nervous glances.

"They seem suspicious," Luke muttered.

Ashton laughed. "No they don't. Hey, do you have the list on you? I want to see what we should try tomorrow– if you're not too sore."

Luke scowled as he swiped through his phone and pulled up the list.

"Let's try spanking and hair pulling," Luke said with a pink tinge in his cheeks.

"Keep your voice down," Ashton hissed, fighting to keep the smirk off of his face.

"Sorry!" Luke whispered, his cheeks filled with a red blush.

The two boys walked home in silence, none of them really knowing what to talk about.

"Have you erm, done any research lately?" Ashton asked after a long pause.

Luke nodded. "Last night yeah, I looked up more kinks to potentially add on. I had to do it secretly so my parents didn't find out of course."

Ashton laughed. "Do they suspect anything since your ass is all sore?"

Luke rolled his eyes. "No of course not. They would never dream that their smart little son actually had sexual intercourse."

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