★ twelve ★

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"Here come the two love birds!" Michael sang as Ashton and Luke walked over to the lunch table hand-in-hand.

Ashton grinned. "Nothing to be ashamed of over here, right Lukey?"

"Nope! Nothing," Luke leaned in to kiss Ashton's cheek.

Calum made a disgusted face. "Gross! Now since you're dating, if we hang out with you guys alone we'll third wheel."

Ashton rolled his eyes. "I don't see that happening, since you fools are never apart anyways. You two will honestly probably end up like Luke and I."

"You think?" Michael raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, we don't think, we know," Luke wiggled his eyebrows for emphasis.

Michael turned to Calum. "Calum before shit gets complicated like these two goons made it, do you have a crush on me?"

Calum's cheeks grew pink and his eyes wide. "I uh, well um... I guess I, um.... Yes?"

"Perfect. I like you too. You wanna be a couple?" Michael smirked.

Calum smiled ear-to-ear. "Hell yeah, do you?"

"Fuck yeah. We're dating now." Michael turned to Ashton and Luke, who's jaws were on the floor. "See how easy that was? No bullshit, just honesty."

Luke's mouth snapped shut. "Thanks for the pro-tip and congrats to the newly weds," he said sarcastically, flinching when the two boys leaned in for a peck on the lips.

Ashton shrugged. "Lukey and I are happy together, don't be all peanut butter and jealous that you aren't couple goals like we are."

Michael threw his head back and laughed. "Oh Ashton my sweet summer child, don't you worry. Calum and I already came up with a couple name!"

"We did?"

"Shhh, just go with it," Michael put a finger to his new boyfriend's lips.

"Let's hear it then," Luke rolled his eyes.

"It's Malum," Michael stated triumphantly.

"Malum?" Ashton made a face. "Ours is waayyyyy better than Malum."

"Let's hear it then," Calum mocked Luke.

"It's Lashton!" Both Ashton and Luke said in unison before leaning in for a smug kiss.

Michael frowned. "Fine, you win this round, but Cal and I are determined to fight for the title of power couple."

"We'll see about that," Ashton shrugged.

"Hey, how do your parents feel about you two dating?" Calum asked, "do they know yet?"

Ashton nodded. "My mum knows, and she's still really set on me not having sex until I get married, so I told her I wouldn't, therefore Luke and I fuck like rabbits at his place instead."

"Yeah, and my parents didn't want me to have a boyfriend or girlfriend until college, but I talked to them for a long time and since they love Ashton, they said it was okay."

"Well congrats you two," Michael rolled his eyes but let a smile play across his face, "FIFA later?"

"Yeah I'm down," Luke smiled, "Ash are you?"

"Sure babe," Ashton leaned in to peck Luke's cheek. "And uh, congrats to you guys as well?"

"Thanks Ash. We're gonna go skip class now to fuck in Cal's car. Ready Cal?" Michael grinned.

Calum rolled his eyes. "So romantic. And it's my Dad's car, not mine."

Michael squeezed Calum's hand, pulling him towards the cafeteria doors. "You better not loose the keys again."

"Oh that was one time!" Calum protested.

"How would you know? You can't even remember!" Michael clapped back.

"What a lovely couple," Luke sighed, watching them bicker all the way out the door.

Ashton snickered. "I give it two weeks, tops."

"No way, they're going to last longer than that," Luke smiled admirably.

Ashton pulled Luke in for an embrace. "Not as long as us though, right?"

"Oh hell no! We're the power couple, remember?" Luke giggled.

Ashton closed his eyes, leaning in to softly press his lips against Luke's. "I love you," he murmured.

"I love you too," Luke's chest fluttered like it always did when Ashton kissed him.

"Ready to go back to your place?" Ashton winked, wrapping an arm around Luke's waist and pulling him closer.

"My parents are oh-so conveniently at a wedding this fine Friday," Luke grinned. "Ready to have some fun?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Sweetheart," Ashton whispered as the two walked out of the cafeteria, arms around each other's waists.

The End.


Author's note here! Thank you for reading! I'm so glad so many of you loved this story, so stay tuned for.... 


I love you all! Much love and don't forget to like and comment!

Also, if you liked this story, check out some of my others! :-)

Fanboy- Luke Hemmings (boyxboy)

No Sex Zone- Muke

Poltergeist- Muke

Anti-Groupie- Ashton Irwin (girlxboy)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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