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"Can you believe we didn't get caught yesterday?" Luke giggled, clinging onto Ashton's arm as they walked down the hall.

"Ah, get off me Luke! People will suspect something," Ashton fired back in a hushed voice.

Luke pouted, sticking out his black lip ring and letting go of Ashton's arm. "Aw c'mon Ash!"

"Oh hush."

"Hey, you look cute today," Luke smirked, eyeing the red bandana that sat atop Ashton's golden hair.

"Thanks Lukey," Ashton said, a warm blush filling his cheeks.

"Hey, are we doing anything after school today?"

"What do you have in mind?" Ashton grinned, giving Luke a mischievous side-eye.

"Do you have your laptop on you? I wanna look at the list," Luke insisted.

Ashton nodded and the pair arrived at an empty lunch table.

"D'ya see anybody?" Luke whispered, leaning close to Ashton as he pulled out his laptop, gingerly opening it and clicking on the file.

"Check off hickies and scratching, we already did that one," Luke pointed at the list, his cheeks flushed.

"I am, I am."

1. Spanking
2. Hair pulling
3. Handcuffs, light bondage
4. Role play and cross-dressing
5. Over stimulation
6. Pet names and Daddy kink
7. Cumming more than once
8. Sex toys
9. Choking
10. Hickies and scratching
11. Public fucking
12. Water play

"Perfect," Luke breathed. "What should we do this time? I believe it's my turn to pick."

"To pick what?"

A voice rang from behind the two boys.

Ashton frantically slammed his laptop shut and turned around.

"Guys! Don't just sneak up on us like that!" Luke said shrilly.

"You scared us," Ashton snapped, clutching his heart.

"Oh, shut up drama queens," Michael snorted, rolling his eyes. "What were you guys talking about?"

"The project that's due," Luke lied quickly. "And it was my turn to pick who has to do the next slide in our presentation."

Calum narrowed his eyes. "Who's class?"

Ashton scoffed. "Mr. Robertson, the only teacher Luke and I have a class with that you're not in. Duh."

Michael unfortunately wasn't buying it. "If it's just a history project, then why can't you show us? It's not like it's a nuclear bomb plan or anything."

Luke scratched the back of his head. "We just can't, okay? Who knows, you might steal it or something."

Calum widened his eyes. "Are you two fucking serious right now? I've had it! Either you tell us what that list is, or Michael and I aren't talking to you anymore."

Luke and Ashton exchanged a sad glance.

"We're really sorry guys, but we just can't tell you, I'm sorry," Ashton said quietly.

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