★ ten ★

36.5K 591 490

1. Spanking
2. Hair pulling
3. Handcuffs, light bondage
4. Role play and cross-dressing
5. Over stimulation
6. Pet names and Daddy kink
7. Cumming more than once
8. Sex toys
9. Choking
10. Hickies and scratching
11. Public fucking
12. Water play

"Only three left," Ashton murmured disapprovingly to Luke as they laid on his cramped bed. "What are we going to do when it's done?"

"Well, we could add more, or just keep fucking," Luke shrugged.

Ashton pouted slightly. "So you just wanna stay friends with benefits?"

Luke scratched of his head. "Uh, if you want to I guess. I really like hooking up with you."

"It's been a month today since the first time we fucked," Ashton smiled, making Luke's heart do the strange swoop.

"Huh, it feels like we've been going at it for years now," Luke grinned.

"Can I tell you something? Promise you won't tell Cal and Mikey I told you?" Ashton suddenly asked.

"Yeah, what's going on Ash?"

"I think.... they're hooking up. It's so obvious. They flirt all the time in Spanish class and they're always hanging out just like how we always hang out. What do you think? I know it seems kind of out there, but I'm curious."

Luke bit his lip, remembering the promise he made them. "Uh, I don't really see it, but it's certainly an interesting theory."

"Hm. I guess so. Also, another thing," Ashton continued.

"Yeah, what?"

"Do you like anybody right now? Because I saw you with that girl at your locker the other day and well, you looked like you were really into her." Ashton twisted his long fingers together, his gaze fixed on the ceiling.

"Ash I told you, she's just my lab partner, I don't like her like that."

"What about anybody else?" Ashton turned to Luke, his hazel-eyed stare intense.

"I don't know," Luke muttered, tearing his gaze away from Ashton's.

"Oh... okay."

"Why, do you like anybody Ash?" Luke's stomach somersaulted as soon as the question left his lips.

"Yeah, I didn't know if I did at first, but I'm almost positive I do," Ashton sighed.

"Who? Do I know them?"

Ashton sat up to look at Luke. "It's you Luke, okay? I really fucking like you a lot, which sucks because I know you probably don't like me but I've liked you before we even started having sex and fuck, I am so turned on by you in every way, and god, you make me crazy and I lo- really like you."

"Ashton... listen," Luke whispered.

"I knew you didn't feel the same way," Ashton's eyes swam with tears. "I'll just go."

"Ashton wait!" Luke called after him as he raced out the front door. "Don't go Ash, please!"

"I'm never having sex with you again, Luke Hemmings!" Ashton cried, choking back a sob and jumping on his bike, Luke watching with defeat from his doorway.

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