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"This sucks!" Ashton whispered, side-eyeing Calum and Michael, who were glaring at the two boys from across the gym locker room.

"Don't pay attention to them," Luke sighed, pulling Ashton away from their prying stares.

"I can't believe they're being this dramatic because we won't tell them we're fucking," Ashton snorted.

"Shush! Are you trying to tell the entire world, Ash?"

"Chill Luke, nobody heard us you paranoid bastard," Ashton chuckled, pulling a loose tank top over his head. "Also, you dropped something."

"What did I drop?" Luke furrowed his brow, scouring the floor.

"Your jaw, now stop staring!"

"Oh, right."

"Boys, get your butts out here and warm up!" The gym teacher barked from the doorway.

"Coming Coach Simmons," Ashton muttered, hastily throwing a gym shirt on and tying a bandana around his head.

"How macho," Luke teased, holding the locker room door open for Ashton's smirking face to walk through.

"Only for you," Ashton winked, brushing his ass on Luke's crotch.

"Teasing jackass," Luke hissed through gritted teeth.

But Ashton only batted his eyelashes, turning away to saunter towards the coach.

"Took you two long enough, Coach Simmons grunted, gesturing the boys to sit on the bleachers, "Okay boys, today we're doing World Cup football, so pair up!"

Ashton and Luke immediately clung onto each other, as did Michael and Calum.

"Now claim your countries!"


The gym class fired off, rattling off countries to the coach.

"What do we choose?" Ashton shouted over the ruckus.

"Uh, I don't know, Japan?"

"Works for me. JAPAN!" Ashton yelled at the same as Michael, who turned his head to stare at Ashton.

Luke gulped as Michael chuckled over the sudden silence. "I, am going to be Japan," he seethed.

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to be then?" Ashton fired back.

"I don't know, be communist Russia for fuck's sake," Michael snarled, taking a step forwards towards Ashton.

Luke stepped forward but Coach Simmons broke it up first. "Boys! Both of you, you're out for the rest of class. Calum and Luke. Pair up."

Calum rolled his eyes, hesitantly shuffling towards Luke, who's churning stomach couldn't simmer down.

"We're going to be Canada," Luke said in a monotone.

Calum said nothing, standing in silence.

The class seemed to drag on, as the boys- both fans of football, couldn't get the hang of it, and got out every round.

"That was fucking torturous," Luke growled, roughly stuffing his clothes into his gym locker.

"As if you had it bad. I had to sit through the fakest, falsest apology known to man from Michael, and Coach let him off the hook with a damn warning!

Luke clenched his fists in anger, trying to conceal it as he did not want to trouble Ashton further.

The bell rang, snapping them both out of their gym woes.

"C'mon, we've got to hurry to honors geometry," Ashton urged, jerking his head towards the gym doors.

Already more than halfway across the gym, Luke groaned in frustration. "You go, I forgot my headphones in the locker room."

Ashton smiled. "Okay, I'll tell Ms. Bryans you're gonna be late. See ya!"

Luke grimaced and waved, turning around and jogging to the locker room.

He opened the door quietly, hoping not to run into Coach Simmons who was admittedly, quite intimidating.

"Mmmm oh FUCK!"

"Holy sh- just like that."

Luke covered his mouth in shock as the lights flickered on, his hand now frozen to the light switch.

Before him was the sight of Calum on his knees in front of the lockers, with Michael's erection in his hand.

"What. The. Fuck," Luke said slowly, his eyes bulging at the sight.

"Get the fuck outta here Luke, what the fuck?" Michael yelled, quickly pulling his pants up.

"You didn't see anything!" Calum put a finger to his lips while his other hand was outstretched to reassure Luke.

"You two are hooking up?" Luke groaned. "How long has this been going on?"

"Shut up Luke!" Michael seethed.

"Only a week, swear," Calum murmured. "We got lonely because you and Ashton ditched us! So we started hanging out more and one thing lead to another I guess?"

"Jesus...." Luke ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, we didn't mean to exclude you guys, we were scared."

"Scared about what?" Michael narrowed his eyes.

"Ashton and I are– well, we're hooking up too," Luke said quietly.

"I FUCKING CALLED IT!" Michael shrieked, pumping his fists in the air. "That will be ten dollars thank you and another ten because I bet that Luke would confess and not Ashton! HA!"

Michael gleefully accepted the twenty dollar bill from Calum's begrudging hand.

"You guys knew?" Luke stared at them.

"Well, we wouldn't say knew... more like, we had a strong suspicion," Michael shrugged, pocketing the money.

"Nonetheless, it still fucking stung when you ditched us," Calum muttered.

"I'm sorry, I really am," Luke pleaded. "We just didn't know how to act."

"What about the list on your computer? Did that have anything to do with you two hooking up?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Well... yeah, sorta."

"Okay what was it?" Calum asked.

"It was a kink list," Luke whispered.

"A fucking kink list Luke? Jesus Christ! How long have you two been going at it?" Michael shook his head in disbelief.

"I want to say around three weeks? More? Less? I don't really know."

"I can't believe this," Calum chuckled. "The four of us, hooking up behind each other's backs."

"Do not tell Ashton I told you both about the kink list," Luke demanded. "If him or my parents ever found out, I'd be dead."

"Relax, we won't if you don't tell him about US," Michael gestured to Calum and himself. "We can be cool again with you guys since you came clean, but you can't tell Ash the reason why. Just say we had a sudden change of thought about being dicks to you guys."

"Speaking about being a dick, why don't you apologize to Ashton," Luke hissed, "A real apology. You really hurt his feelings."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Fuck, fine. Can we just shake on all of this?"

"Deal," Luke nodded, grasping hands with Michael. "Calum I am NOT shaking your hand," Luke winced.

Calum snickered. "Whatever. You'll never get that image burned out of your head anyways."

"True. Now let's stop being idiots and get to class please?" Luke smiled.

"Fine, fine," Michael smirked, playfully punching Luke's arm, "let's go."

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