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"Guess who?" Ashton giggled, running up behind Luke and placing his hands over his eyes.

"Daddy?" Luke said teasingly, and Ashton shoved him toward.

"Oh, don't even joke about that, we're in school."

"Public fucking, it's on the kink list," Luke reminded him.

Ashton sighed. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, not today because I have something else I want to try."

"And what might that be?" Luke smirked.

Ashton giggled, red blush flooding his cheeks. "I wanna do um, scratching on you."

Luke's heart pounded, although he flashed Ashton a mischievous grin. "Sounds kinky."

Ashton rolled his eyes, shoving Luke playfully into a locker. "You're so obnoxious, speak louder would you? Why don't you tell the entire world that we're fu–"

"Hey guys!" Calum waved his hand cheerfully at them, Michael trailing in his wake.

"Uh, hey guys!" Ashton muttered while Luke giggled uncontrollably beside him.

Michael noticed and cocked an eyebrow. "What's so funny Luke?"

Luke bit his lip. "Nothing."

Calum shook his head. "We never see each other anymore. Do you guys want to hang out after school today or something?"

"Can't. Play practice," Ashton said.

"Luke what about you?" Michael asked.

"I'm staying after for homework club," Luke lied blatantly.

Calum rolled his eyes. "You guys are always busy nowadays, it's so annoying."

Ashton shifted his weight while Luke stared at the floor.

Michael stared at them both. "Well we're gonna go.... Have fun guys."

"Bye Cal, bye Mikey," Luke said maybe a little too rushed.

"That was awkward," Ashton muttered quietly, his voice drowned out by the final bell of the day.

"They'll be fine, at least they don't suspect anything," Luke grinned.

Ashton ruffled Luke's hair. "Want to come practice my lines with me in the auditorium? Nobody will be there and I'm really behind. After all, I am kind of the lead."

"Sure no problem," Luke said with a funny feeling in his stomach.

The two boys walked in silence to the auditorium, walking in to find it empty like Ashton promised.

Luke tossed his book bag onto the seats, joining Ashton on stage.

"Here's a script," Ashton said, handing a book to Luke.

"What are we working on? I suck at acting I'm sorry," Luke blurted.

Ashton chuckled. "Nothing bad, it's just the scene where the two main characters fall in love. Can you handle that?"

"Hell yeah I can," Luke said with false confidence.

Ashton cleared his throat. "Okay let's start."

"Listen- we have to talk," Luke read.

"What is it?" Ashton said dramatically. "If it's what everybody else is saying, you know it's not true."

"It's not that," Luke read louder.

Ashton took a step forwards. "Then what is it? What is he doing that I'm not?"

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