✩ nine ✩

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"The weirdest thing just happened!" Ashton exclaimed, walking up to Luke at his locker the next school day.

"What's up?" Luke asked, gingerly shutting the locker and attempting to stuff four honors textbooks into his already-crammed backpack.

"Calum and Michael just walked up to me in the cafeteria and apologized for being dicks to me."

"What did you say?" Luke silently prayed Ashton accepted the apology.

"I asked why they were apologizing and they said they had a change of heart about being mean and that whatever was on the laptop wasn't their business anyways." Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, "you don't think they figured out about us right? Because that does not need to be spread around."

Luke hoped he didn't look nervous. "They probably didn't figure it out, I think they're being genuine."

"I hope so," Ashton gave Luke a half smile. "It was getting so tiring having to avoid them. But now we need to be extra careful they don't suspect anything."

Luke grimaced, "yeah, let's make sure."

"Hey wait a second," Ashton grabbed Luke's arm, who started to pull away. "Since it's the end of the school year soon, my mum gave me so money to get clothes for the summer. What do you say we go to the mall after school? We can ask Calum for a ride, since he always drives his dad's car."

Luke smiled, "Of course I'll go with you, because then I'll get to see you shirtless."

Ashton scoffed. "We'll see about that you thirst machine."

"Fuck off," Luke shoved Ashton, turning away to hide his pink cheeks.

"Luke..." Ashton murmured, his fingers brushing against Luke's.

Luke pulled his hand away sharply. "What are you doing? We're in school, there's people around who could find out!"

Ashton stared at him with blank eyes. Oh yeah, right. I'm sorry. Hey, I'm gonna go to class now. I'll.... catch up later."

Luke's chest ached as he watched Ashton disappear into the crowd of students.

"Why the hell did I say that?" He didn't want them to get caught, but he couldn't deny the swoop in his heart when Ashton's fingers graced his.

And with that thought, he turned away to go to class.


"Hey, are you ready to go? Calum and Michael are out front," Ashton waved to Luke, who was talking to a pretty girl by his locker.

"Yeah, one second," Luke waved back.

Ashton felt a hot swoop of jealously fill his stomach. "Okay well then you're going to need to find your own damn ride."

Luke said goodbye to the girl and sauntered over to Ashton. "Dude what the hell, I was having a conversation."

"Who was the girl?" Ashton raised an eyebrow.

"My lab partner Mollie. Why do you care? You're not my boyfriend," Luke jabbed back as they walked towards the front doors.

Ashton fell silent and Luke bit his lip, immediately regretting his words.

A loud honk startled them and their eyes adjusted to the bright daylight to see Calum in his dad's yellow Hummer with Michael riding shotgun.

"Jeez, took you two long enough," Michael smirked as the two got in the backseat of the car, sitting as far away from each other as possible.

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