✩ eleven ✩

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"Ashton can I talk to you?" Luke asked the boy quietly at his school locker.

"Now isn't the time Luke," Ashton murmured, avoiding Luke's eyes and walking away.

Michael said to give Luke space, so that's exactly what Ashton was going to do.

Luke gripped his blonde locks in frustration, turning on his heels to find Michael and Calum.

"Dammit guys, Ash won't fucking talk to me!" Luke seethed, stabbing a plate of pizza with a fork as they sat in the crowded cafeteria.

"Yeah, we know," Michael shrugged.

"Know about what?" Luke asked slowly, looking up to stare at them.

"We told him that he should give you space," Calum added. "Ashton came to us right after you fought."

"This would have been really good information to know last night on the phone Cal," Luke choked back a sob, shoving the pizza away from him.

"Hey, hey, hey," Calum frowned. "Not to sound like an asshole, but Michael and I aren't in this. Yeah, we're your friends and we want to help but this is for you and Ashton to figure out."

"I just- don't want to lose him," Luke squeaked, finally burying his head into his arms and breaking down into muffled sobs.

"Aw come on buddy," Michael gently stood Luke up and gave him a hug. "Let's get you home early, I have this block off 'n so does Cal."

Ashton watched the three boys from afar, his head tilted. Was Luke crying about him, or something else? As far as he knew, there was nothing else bad going on in his life... so could Luke really be that upset over him?

Calum caught Ashton's eye and they exchanged a grimace, while also mouthing that looked something like: Talk to him!

A pit formed in Ashton's stomach, and he turned away.

Until suddenly, his phone buzzed with a text that made his stomach drop.

Luke: Please let me talk to you.... please.

Ashton: Why? I'm giving you space, like you want.

Luke: Just meet me at my house after school so we can talk. I need to talk to you Ash.

Ash: Ok.

Luke paced around his room, anxiously running his fingers through his hair.

"C'mon Ash," he muttered to himself, checking the time on his phone. School had gotten out fifteen minutes ago, and Luke could only pray Ashton would knock on his door.

Ashton stood on Luke's porch, his fist hovering inches from the front door. Luke wanted to talk right? And even if it was bad news, at least he would finally have answers.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

Ashton could hear Luke practically running down the stairs, and he flung the door open.

"Ash!" Luke breathed a sigh of relief, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Ashton could feel the tears start to leak out of his eyes and he nuzzled his face into the taller boy's shoulder to hide it.

"I'm so sorry Ashton," Luke's voice cracked, "can we go upstairs to talk about this?"

Ashton nodded, wiping his eyes and following Luke up the stairs and into his messy bedroom.

The two blondes sat on the bed gently, and Ashton couldn't help but fight a smile, remembering it was the same bed they both lost their virginities on, and to each other.

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