Chapter 4

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He could hear the slamming of the kitchen cabinets, he didn't need to open his eyes to know it was Kim and she wasn't happy.

As he moved, his head throbbed and his stomach churned he slowly stood up and waited for the room to stop spinning, he hadn't had a hangover this bad in years.

"Mornin'!" Kim shouted when she saw his reflection in the microwave, she turned to face him and he looked awful. His hair was disheveled and he was in just his boxers though he didn't remember getting undressed, he didn't remember much at all.

"Hi.." His head really hurt.

She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge along with a bottle of aspirin and tossed it at him, "You probably need these"

He caught them, briefly knocking himself off balance in the process, he grabbed the kitchen island to steady himself, "I'm sorry"

"It's fine" she replied, "how'd you get home?"

"I think Atwater.."

"I undressed you in case you're wondering" she grabbed the laundry basket and retreated to the laundry room.

He quickly took two aspirin and chased them down with a mouthful of water, his stomach bubbling as the water hit it.

Adam wanted to follow her, but he wasn't sure his legs were up for the task instead he sat down at the island and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.

He'd eaten half of it when Kim finally returned, "How's Nicky?" Adam asked her.

"Going to a movie with my mom and your dad" still after all these years it still was a little weird to her that their parents had gotten married, "then an early dinner, we need to talk" she told him, "Nicholas doesn't need to be here when we do"

He rubbed his temples, he knew he was about to get his ass chewed out, and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"So, now that Atwater knows it'll be common knowledge pretty soon" Jay told Erin as he ran his hand over her bare belly, "Adam knows too...I'm sorry, I know you wanted to talk to Kim"

She sucked her teeth, Kim was her best friend and as happy as she was about the baby she knew how heartbroken she would be. Kim would put on a brave face and support her every step of the way but Erin knew that behind the smile lived sadness. Kim longed for another baby, Adam too but he hid it better than Kim did.

"It's alright, they'd find out eventually" she leaned into him, "Hank's thrilled so that's good, right?"

"Yes, that man loves his grandkids, doesn't he?" Jay asked.

"He loves being a grandpa, it's softened him" she played with the tiny hairs on Jay's arms.

"You know Adam was pretty wasted last night...he might not even remember you're pregnant" he suspected something had pissed Adam off but he'd given them nothing just kept slamming down the shots.

"We can always hope!" Erin laughed as she quickly kissed his lips, the voices of their children could be heard in the hallway, "I think our day of rest has just ended.."

"Day? That was like forty five minutes..maybe an hour" he laughed as she slipped on a pair of leggings, still wearing his old Army t shirt.

"Get used to it Halstead, won't be long before we've got an infant bunking with us" she teased before leaving the room and tending to the children.

Adam's head had finally stopped pounding, the greasy grilled cheese and  bacon sandwich had settled his stomach, he was nervously working over a stick of peppermint gum.

Sequel to 'Is Love Enough'Where stories live. Discover now