Chapter 9

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Will cleared his throat, "Have a seat" he motioned to the two empty chairs opposite the attendings desk, "This is Dr.Harris, he's Nick's doctor"

Kim and Adam both nodded, neither one in the mood for small talk and introductions, "Nicholas? How is he?"

Will let the attending speak, "Nicholas suffered a very rare cardiac event called commotio cordis" he pulled up a slide reflecting it on to the white board behind him. An illustration of a torso and an object crashing into the torso, "What happened to Nicholas was a freak with perfect timing..the baseball hit your son's chest and heart at just the right moment, causing disruption of his heart's natural rhythm resulting in cardiac arrest. Your son is a miracle, most of these cases, we don't get the patient back."

He could see Adam and Kim finally exhale with relief, "Your son is a lucky boy, the staff at the ball field saved his life, they performed successful CPR until the AED was available. I can't stress enough how lucky your boy is...most of these cases don't have happy endings"

"He'll recover?" Adam asked, he was exhausted.

"Yes, he will. I'd like to keep him here for a week maybe longer, just as a precaution but you can breathe easy, Nicholas is okay"

Adam and Kim hugged, Adam quickly pulled back from the embrace, "When can we see him?" He was anxious to see Nick with his own eyes.

"Now, he's on the PICU floor, but I expect his condition to be upgraded in the morning, he's really out of it due to the medications he's currently one but I assure you he's on the road to recovery"

Will stood up and hugged Kim, "I'll let Erin and Jay know? That okay?"

Kim smiled, "Please...our parents are downstairs, will you make sure they know too"

"Of course" Will smiled, "I've seen Nicky already, he was asking for you guys"

It broke Kim's heart that she wasn't with him, "Was he scared?"

"I don't think so" Will told her, "I think he was more confused than was pretty intense"

Kim gripped Adam's hand as they stood outside their son's hospital room, "He's okay" Adam leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "you're cutting off the circulation to my hand babe" he tried to bring levity to what had been an insanely stressful and emotional day.

Kim felt a smile spread across her lips, "Sorry" she loosened her grip on his hand, "I'm just really nervous still..Adam, I've never been so scared in my life" she mumbled.

"I know..seeing him on the that..I won't ever be able to get that image out of my head" he sighed, "let's go in"

Nicky had never felt so fuzzy before, he tried to come up with a better word but fuzzy was all he could think off. His vision seemed fuzzy, his head was fuzzy. When he first started taking the medicine for his ADHD  he felt similar to this..but not to the degree he was feeling it now.

His senses dulled, the sounds around him seemed off in the distance not in the same room as him.

"Baby.." Kim spoke, gently stroking his arm, "Nicky.."

Slowly he turned his head to face her and his eyes slowly opened, he struggled to focus on her face. His eyelids felt heavy and almost impossible to keep open, "Mommy.." He groaned, his throat dry and his tongue felt thick.

" It's mommy" she kissed his forehead, pushing his brown hair from his eyes, "I love you" she didn't fight the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Crying?" He asked, gingerly lifting his hand to her cheek.

"Yea..but they're happy tears, unbelievably happy tears" she smiled, the first genuine smile in what was only mere hours, but it felt like a lifetime.

Sequel to 'Is Love Enough'Where stories live. Discover now