Chapter 16

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The last two months had been hell for Sylvia, something had shifted with Alex, and she couldn't help but wonder if Adam had something to do with it. Every call she made went straight to voicemail and every text left unanswered.

It scared her to her core, he was her world and she was miserable.

Her heart ached for him, she missed their dinners and the occasional movie night. She knew it was baseball season and he'd be busy but it was more than that, so much more than that. He'd completely iced her out.

She could only think of one reason why...Adam.

"Popcorn?" Nick asked as the vendor walked down the aisles of the stadium, Adam groaned as he grabbed a few bills and signaled to the vendor that he wanted some.

"You better not puke" Adam growled as he handed his son the bag, the kid had already downed two helpings of cotton candy, a hot dog, red icee, and now a bag of popcorn.

"I won't" Nick smiled, "Uncle Alex is so good Dad, you think he'll get drafted?" He asked before tossing a handful of popcorn in his mouth, "that'd be so cool" he spoke through the popcorn in his mouth, his words garbled but Adam understood him.

"It would be cool, but it's almost impossible. He's good enough though" Adam fixed the ball cap on his head, the sun was beating down on them, "he's not as good as you though" he nudged Nick with his shoulder.

Nick grew sullen, "I can't play anymore"

Adam pulled him closer to him, "we don't know that bubs, you just can't play right now"  he kissed the bill of his son's signed DePaul University baseball cap.

"So...just when did you plan on telling me?" Hank asked from the couch, Erin nursing Lucas, while Jake and Emme played in the backyard with Jay. He had just happened to stop by the house the other day to drop off the new bikes he had bought for the kids and he nearly died.

Sitting on the lawn was the worst thing he could ever lay eyes on...a for sale sign.

Erin rubbed her temple, knowing she should have told Hank the minute they made the decision to put the house on the market.

"I'm sorry"

He laughed nervously, "Was it Halstead's idea?"

Erin rolled her eyes, "Hank...this house is too small, I don't want to have the kids share a room, it's just time" she adjusted Lucas in her arms, allowing him to get a better grip as he nursed, "we're not going far Hank, I want to keep Emme in the same school and I want Jake to go there too"

Hank leaned forward on the couch, "Justin's so far away...I can't.." His normally stoic voice shaking as he spoke.

"'re not getting rid of us that easily, I'm sorry. I should have told you" she instantly felt consumed with guilt, she knew how much Hank depended on her and the kids, and even through he would never admit it but Jay too.

Hank took a deep breath, "It's alright. I may have over reacted a little bit"

"Just a little bit?" Erin joked.

"Yea, yea. Quit busting my balls" he laughed as he kissed the top of her head, "I love you kid..and those crazy kids of yours"

"We love you too Hank"

Laundry would be the death of her, she didn't know who was worse Adam or Nicholas. She felt like she needed to follow their every move, the pair of them quickly discarding their clothes as soon as they walked in the door. Both preferring to lounge around in their boxer shorts all day, but she had put her foot down and demanded they at least wore gym shorts.

Sequel to 'Is Love Enough'Where stories live. Discover now