Chapter 15

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Kim knew she'd get nothing out of Adam, it was time to go above him. She knew he'd be angry but she needed to know. It had been weeks since Adam and Bob had last spoke and it was driving her crazy.

"What's up?" Bob asked as he joined her at the small table in the back of the diner, "How'd Nick's check up go?"

The mention of her son brought a smile to her face, "He's good. Healthy." She explained, "he's not why I'm here though"

Bob leaned back in the chair tilting the front legs up in the air, "Adam?"


Bob pinched the bridge of his nose, this was eating him alive,

"What happened to Adam?" She was terrified of his answer but she needed to know, needed to understand all of it.

"A lot." He huffed, "You know Sylvia was involved in drugs, right?"

Kim nodded, letting him know to continue.

"Well, I was clueless. Working my balls off to put a roof over my boy's head, and food in his belly" he explained, "I wasn't perfect by any means...I stepped out on her multiple times..but not once did I hurt Adam"

Kim grabbed his hand, "I know"

"Except...I did. I just didn't realize I was doing it" he admitted, "Sylvia was a negligent mother on her best days and abusive on her worst. I had my head so far up my ass that I didn't see the signs...not until a neighbor had witnessed Sylvia flip out on Adam" he flicked a tear away, "That woman should never have been a mother.."

Kim's mind was reeling at Bob's confession, she never once expected abuse, "what did she do to him?"

Bob shrugged, "Adam needs to be the one to tell you that...I can't tell you" truthfully he couldn't bare to speak of the horrors she inflicted on their son.

Alex had avoid asking Adam for weeks, but it continued to eat at him. It was like a mosquito buzzing around his head, no matter how many times he swatted it away, it returned bit the shit out of him.

He smiled politely at the desk sergeant, and took a seat on the bench near the door.

He could hear Adam laughing as he came downstairs, and stood up to meet him at the landing of the stairs, judging by the look of surprise on Adam's face he wasn't expecting to see him, "Hey, alright?" Adam hugged him quickly.

Alex rocked on his heels, "yeah...yeah. Umm..I just wanted to talk to you, just us" he clarified, "about our mother"

Adam knew this day would come, he just wasn't sure how to handle it.

Jay stood in the doorway of the nursery, Erin out cold in the glider Lucas in her arms, a bottle hanging from his mouth.

Lucas was not a sleeper, he was a pro at 'power napping' he'd sleep about ten minutes and be completely recharged. Jay had called it the day he was born, he was their difficult child, at just a few months old he had moved into the CEO position of The Halstead home, what he wanted to happened.

He'd even earned the nickname of 'Mini-Voight', he may not sure any DNA with Voight but he was becoming very Voight-like.

"Baby.." Jay kneeled down in front of Erin, taking the bottle from her, Erin's eyes slowly fluttered open, "let me have the monster. You go get some sleep" he ordered, carefully lifting Lucas from her.

Erin rubbed her eyes, "Thanks..." She said sleepily.

Jay took the recently vacated seat and sat, "Listen, kiddo. This sleep thing you've got going ends today, got it? You're gonna sleep tonight...for at least eight hours..straight. No little power naps, just uninterrupted sleep." He leaned down to kiss the tip of Lucas' nose, "at least you're cute...otherwise you would of been out in the cold weeks ago" he teased, Lucas grunting in his sleep.

Sequel to 'Is Love Enough'Where stories live. Discover now