Chapter 2

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June 20 1831

I woke up to to the blinding sun light to see Gavroche asleep on my lap. I rubbed my eyes and looked down at him. I rested my hand on his head, which made him flinch and wake up.

He rubbed his eyes and blinked them awake. "Hmm..?" He grumbled.

"Gavroche, are you awake?" I whispered. He turned his body and looked up at me with a cheeky grin.

"Of course not." He said sticking his tongue at me. I sighed and pushed the loose strands of hair from his face, resting my hand on his forehead.

"Manners young man." I said raising my eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and got up. I stretched out my arms and looked at him. I smiled at got up.

"Would you fancy a morning walk, Monsieur?" I said in a fake hoity-toity british accent bowing at him jokingly. He looked at me mischievously, and stood up straight.

"Of course, I would you commoner!" He said with his nose held high. This made me laugh and stand up straight.

"Your really something" I said taking his little hand as we walked to the streets.

We walked through the, oddly brighter, streets of Paris. Odd, everyone seems to have a certain spark of happiness in their eyes. The sun was out as well.

I could tell Gavroche was slightly taken aback wih surprise by the joyous aura the other beggars where giving off.

"So, Gavroche what would you like to do?" I said looking down at him as we walked. He stopped walking and thought for a moment, tapping his cheek.

"I know this Cafe down the street. Lets go there" he said nodding to himself. He started walking towing me by the hand along with him.

Courfeyrac POV

I looked around the streets hectic. Where could That Gavroche be. I swear sometimes that boy just has a mind of his own. Grantaire, Marius and I are at the Cafe and I TOLD HIM to be there today, however he's late. Several hours late. This worries me, what if something has happened to him? What if he's in trouble?!

I started to make myself panic. I 'jogged' thought the streets to see if Gavroche is anywhere. I checked the elephant, and the town square but no luck.

"GAVROCHE!" I yelled to see if he was near, but no reply. I began to give up and walk back to the cafe, when I saw him. I could see him walking also side a very slim boy. I ran up to him.

Natalia POV

Out the corner of my eye, I saw someone put their hand on Gavroche shoulder. With pure instincts and habit, I successfully turned around and punched The man I the jaw, making him stumble back holding his cheek.

I stepped in front of the confused Gavroche in a protective manner. The man stood up, holding his now bruised cheek and looked at me with a bit of hurt. He stood up straight.

"I'm a friend of Gavroche, is that him?" He said genuinely, it seemed. Gavroche emerged from behind me.

"Courfeyrac? Is that you?" He said smiling cheeky like. The man engulfed Gavroche in a hug.

"You worried me sick! You were supposed to meet me and Marius and Grantaire at the cafe 3 hours ago!" He said now holding Gavroche's shoulders.

"We where just headed there now." I piped in. He looked at me and smiled, holding out his hand. I looked at him hesitantly, then shook it.

"My name is Courfeyrac, it's a pleasure." He said nodding.

"Natal-- er, I mean, I'm Garnier. Jaque Garnier." I said looking at him smiling. All three of us continued to walk to the cafe. I looked at Courfeyrac. My eyes wandered to the large bruise on his face. I felt quite guilty.

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