Horrible news

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August POV

"Man I remember that day like it was yesterday" I thought as I put the flowers on Mel's grave.


August 31, 2010

Me and my girl Y/N was just chillin, I had made a couple drops on the block earlier.  We were watchin a movie, fucked around and fell asleep. I woke up about 2 hours later, I looked at my phone and saw I had 30 missed calls from my cousin. I called him back to see what was goin on.
   **Phone convo**

A:  "What's good cuzzo?"

C:  "Man word around a nigga got popped."

A:  "Damn man, where was he at?"

C:  "He was over East."

A:  "What was he doin over East? errbody know FBGM is at, you know the nigga?"

C:  "Man, Aug this gon bring down yo whole day, it was Mel bro."

Real talk when I heard who it was, my heart damn near stopped.

A:  "I gotta go."

**Phone Convo over**

Once I hung up the phone, I threw it at the wall and Y/N woke up. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks me while tears are coming down my face. "Somebody done killed Mel!" I screamed.I wanted to start throwing shit. Y/N grabbed my face so I can look her in the eyes. "Baby it's gon be ok. You gotta stop crying, I know it's hard."

"Man fuck that somebody just killed my brother!" I yell and snatch myself away from her hold. "He has three daughters and a girl! how they gon grow up knowing they daddy is dead?" I ask her. "Baby they have you. They have you, Travis, and Jamal. They know their father is in a better place, they gon be alright." She responds as she has tears rolling down her face.

He didn't even make it to 25. "I gotta go see mama." I say as I walk out the room. "If you goin to see mama, i'm comin with you." Y/N says. "Nah ma it's too dangerous." I respond. "And it's not dangerous for you? August he was like a brother to me too, and I ain't gon let you walk out the house to see mama alone." She responds. "Now are we goin to see how the fam doin or not?" She asks me while walking to the front door. "Yeah let's go." I say.

**10 minutes later**

We arrive at mama's house and see Cha and the girls sittin outside on the pourch. "Ight let's go see how they doin." I say bracing myself for the worst. We get out the car and walked towareds the girls. I decided I would tell Cha and have Y/N talk to the girls.

"hey y'all." Cha says with a smile on her face. We said hey back, and I looked at Y/N and she looked at me, we gotta tell them. I pull Cha off to the side so I can tell her. "Have you heard the word around here?" I ask her cautiously.

"Well I heard somebody got popped on the East." Cha responds. Man ion know how to tell her she gon be devastated. "Man ion know how to tell you this." I say while looking down. "Tell me what Aug?" She says worriedly. "It was Mel who got popped." I said while making no eye contact. 

I didn't hear a word, I look up and Cha has her hand covering her mouth and tears streaming down her face like waterfall. "Aug I gotta tell mama." Cha croaks. "how am I gon tell the girls August?" She cries harder and clings onto me. I just held her while she cried.

While I was holding her I look over at the girls and Y/N, they were breaking down and holding onto her. Seeing this made me break down, why would someone kill Mel? I closed my eyes and wish Mel was still here, everyone knew Mel had a family to take care of.

I heard the screen to the front door open, I open my eyes and looked towards the door to see mama standing on the porch with tears coming down her face. I pull away from Cha and run towards mama. I went and hugged her and she cried harder, her cries turned into sobs. "Mama it's gon be ok." I kept saying to her while holding her. She moved back, out of my hold, "August this ain't fair!" Mama screamed.

"He didn't even make 25 years old! August he was shot 6 times and  was left there on the ground until someone called the cops." She says sobbing harder. They shot my brother 6 times and left him to die. "Now I gotta bury my son. I shouldn't have to bury my my kids, they should be burying me." She says.

"August ion want you sellin no more." She says while looking up at me. "Mama how am i gon bring in money?" I ask her. "you gon get you a regular job like everybody  else August." She responds. "But sellin brings in big money. I can pay the bills and still have money in my pockets." I say.

"August, there's a thin line between being lazy and broke and paying bills and being broke." She tells me. Before I could say anything, She says something else. "Aug i'm already burying one son ion need to be burying two. You gon go up in that warehouse and tell the boss you out and that's that." She responds and tells everybody to go in the house.

I stood there on the porch and really thought about what she said. What if I get gunned down? Mama don't need all this pain, neither does the girls and Cha. Let alone Y/N/N (your nickname)

**Flashback Over**

"He's in a better place aug." K says while patting my back. "He sure is." I respond. "Thanks for holding me down throughout everything." I say to Y/N as we're walking back to the car. 

"You asked me if I was willing to ride, and I still am. I'm gon ride with you until wheels fall off." Y/N says to me.

He's in a better place 😇🙏🏾

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