Uncle Will's Bakery 👩🏾‍🍳👫

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*The outfit with the shorts is for the first part and last part of the story and the outfit with the pants is for the working part.
**Sorry for not updating as much, I've been busy and forgetting to do shit 🙄.

Makyra POV

"KY! Get yo ass up!" I hear through my sleepy slumber. I open my eyes and stretch my body out like I'm superman.

I reach over to my side table to grab my phone to see what time it is. I press the unlock button and I see it's 6:50 in the morning!
  "I know damn well she don't have me up this early during summer break." I said under my breath.

   "Little girl yo ass better be up before I come in there get you up my damn self!" My mom yells at me from downstairs. I hurried up and threw my blanket off of my body and ran into my bathroom.

    I looked up in the mirror before I grabbed my toothbrush and screamed. I look so bad, I scared myself. I finally calmed down at the fact that I look like shit and proceeded with my morning routine.

  I open my bathroom door and my mom is standing right outside the door, she scared me so bad I jumped.
  "What you jumping for?" Mama asks me while looking at me crazy.
  "You scared me, I didn't expect you to be standing outside my bathroom door." I replied.

" I replied

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{her mom}

   "Anyway, hurry up and get dressed your uncle is expecting you at the bakery." Mama says while standing with her hands on her hips.

   "Mama summer just started and I'm already working?" I ask while going to my closet.
   "Hell yeah! Yo ass was not finna be running around here and not making no money!" She responds.

  Every summer since I've been a sophomore in high school, my mom and uncle made a deal that if I work five days a week in his bakery then my mom gets to go on vacation to anywhere tropical by herself. I'm working on getting my own studio since I just graduated from college and I haven't had a break! It's super unfair, but she at least gets paid leave since she does work at the bakery.

   "My flight leaves at 11:00 and you can take my car to work, but make sure you fill it up. All the bills are paid off finally so you don't have to worry about that and your brother may pop in." She explains the run down as I get dressed.

    "Girl you know yo uncle don't allow you to be workin in no shorts so make sure you take some pants." She says as she sees me with my shorts on.

   "I know mama." I respond while grabbing my bag and my mom's car keys.

   "Ok, now be safe baby! I'll let you know when I land, I'm heading to the airport now. Have a good first day at work!" She excitedly screams and leaves my room.

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