My Superman

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Kristiel POV
I don't think I can do this anymore. August constantly comes home drunk, he doesn't speak to me unless we run into each other, and he's always with his homies. We aren't how we used to be. We used to be like every other couple, going out on dates, talk, and love now we just live together.

I hear the front door open and close, heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, August is home. "Hey Kris." August says as he takes off his coat. I ain't never popped up out of bed so quick until he said that. "Hey August." I respond with a weird look on my face. Now there's silence, i'm standing in front of him waiting for him to say something, but he's too busy on his damn phone! I'm done! Officially done with him! "Just when I thought it was gonna get better." I mumbled as I walked to the closet.

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with clothes, which surprisingly is big enough to fit a months worth of clothes. I packed the bag up until I couldn't fit anymore clothes. I grabbed the bag and walked back into the room, he sat in the same spot doing the same thing. I shook my head as I walked to the bathroom to get my toiletry bag. I grabbed the bag and walked back into the room to get my backpack. I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the bedroom door. I open it and go down the stairs. When I got to the front door, I paused and looked in the direction of the bedroom. He doesn't care anymore. I walked out the door and went to my car, to Chance's I go.

***20 minutes later***

I pull up to chance's house and parked in her driveway, I don't plan on staying long. I got my bags and got out the car, I made sure I locked my car by hitting the button twice as I approached her door. I knocked with my single hand and waited. I heard footsteps come closer to the door, and the locks unlock. Chance opened the door and had joy on her face until she saw my facial expression and my bags. "Kristiel Nichole Johnson, tell me what's going on now!" Chance demands as she pulls me in the house. "He doesn't care anymore." I mumbled as she sat me down on the couch.

Chance looked at me like 'girl if you don't speak up.' "He doesn't care anymore. He said two words to me and ignored me. He didn't even care when he saw me walk out the house with my bags!" I explain with frustration. Before Chance could say anything I cut her off, "I'm done! I'm officially single now!" I yell. Chance looked at me with a sad expression. "Does he know?" Chance asks me. "No, but he's about to now." I say as I go on Instagram. Yeah I know it's mighty foul to dump someone on social media, but it's also mighty foul to neglect someone who has been down for you for 4 years.

I started to record myself, "Y'all I got some news, I'm single! So slide in my DM! I'm done with the bullshit!" I said excitingly. I stopped recording and wrote my caption, the caption said, "#sorrynotsorry" and I posted it. As soon as I posted it, my notifications were goin wild! Shade Room (TSR)  had already posted it everywhere and it's only been a minute. Hopefully this will get his attention since he so busy on his damn phone. "Now that's over, I can finally do this." Chance says as she kisses me. Immediately pushed her off of me. "What the fuck is wrong you?! You know i'm straight!" I yell as I stood up and wiped my mouth. "I've always loved you, but you were too stuck up that niggas ass to notice!" She yells back. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the door, I opened the door but she slammed it shut. "Yo ass ain't goin nowhere." She says in a threatening tone while holding me up against the wall. She loosens up her grip and pulls me off the door. She pulls me to this door I never noticed before and takes a key out of her pocket. She unlocks the door and shoves me in the room. "Give me your phone." She demands. I give her my phone immediately, I don't want to make her mad again. "Now stay in here and you can't come out until I say." She demands. She walks out the room and locks the door.

 She walks out the room and locks the door

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What Chance looks like

***4 months later***

Man I didn't think Chance was crazy until this situation. This chick has bodyguards outside the house and cameras everywhere! I feel like i'm in a prison, literally. She only lets me talk to my mom at a certain time for a certain amount of time. The calls are recorded too! She has one of the guards bring me food and check the room everyday. "Aye! yo mom is on the phone!" The guard yells at me through the door. He slid the phone under the door.

***skip convo (didn't feel like making a convo)

My mom said she wanted me to see her, so I went to the door to slide the phone under the door since I was done. The door opens and almost hits me in the face. "Come on let's go now!"  Chance demands while grabbing my arm. Everything has changed majorly, there were guards everywhere, the house looked like a trap house. Chance drags me out of the house and shoves me in the truck that was waiting for me. "Tell him her address and it better be her house or else you have some consequences waiting for you." She says in the same threatening tone. "Oh yeah that break message definitely got his attention, he's been horrible lately." She says with a smirk on her face. We pull off and I tell the man the address, Chance is pure evil I hope I can escape.

***10 minutes later***

We arrive at my mom's house and I see a lot of unfamiliar cars outside. I get out of the car and knocked on the door. I heard laughter and footsteps, the person opened the door and I instantly smiled. My mom greeted me with a hug and pulled me in. "Hey mama, hey everybody!" I say happily. Everyone was giving me weird looks , which made me confused but I didn't show it. She pulled me to the kitchen and I saw why everybody was givin me a weird look. There he was, just smilin and laughing until he turned and saw me. I just smiled and he smiled back. I looked out the window and noticed the car is gone.  I can finally escape and be happy! "August can we talk?" I bravely ask him. "Yeah." He responds. As we were walking towards the back door to go to the guest house, I turned and looked at mama who was lookin at me and Aug, just smiling. I turned away and shook my head and chuckled as we walked out of the door. "What you laughing for?" August asks me with a smile on his face. "Just laughin at mama, she saw me and you leavin and she's just grinnin." I say while laughing harder. August just shook his head.

We walk in the guest house and sit in the chairs in the living room. "What did you wanna talk about?" Aug asks giving me his attention. "Well I wanted to talk about what I did four months ago and why I did it." I say. "I was tired of the neglect, so I left. I went to Chance's and I've been trapped there since." I explain. "Wow, I went out to look for you that same day, and the first place I went was Chance's house. She said she didn't know where you were and hadn't heard from you since the day before." August said while shaking his head.

"What do you mean by trapped?" August asks, giving me his full attention. I gulped and sighed before saying anything. "Chance went crazy and had locked me in a room for the past four months. Today is the first day I've been outside since." I said with my eyes closed. There was no response, I opened my eyes to see his closed. "Why did she keep you?" He asks trying to mask the anger. "After I basically announced to the world that I was single, she kissed me and confessed her love for me, but I wasn't with that. I tried to leave, but she snatched me up and locked me in the room. She took my phone, I could only talk to mama for a certain amount of time at a certain time of day. The calls were recorded, there was a guard that came in the room to give me food and check the room everyday. There were cameras in my room." I explain the whole situation to him.

I look at his face and he's crying. "Aug why are you crying?" I ask him. "If I didn't neglect you then you wouldn't be going through this." He says while crying harder. "baby look at me." I demanded while holding his face. "August this taught me a lesson. This taught me that I can't trust everyone, to be more cautious. Don't beat yourself up" I said while looking into his eyes. I wiped his tears off his face and held him as he calmed down.  He pulled away from me and looked at me. "Look we gon report her ass to the police and you gon come home with me and be happy again." August said. "That's I want and need." I said as we got up and walked out of the guest house. We went back to the house and said bye to everyone. We did exactly what August said, we went to the police station and reported Chance. Apparently, Chance has a warrant for her arrest and me goin in and reporting her got her a lot of jail time. After we left the police station we went home and talked. We talked and vibed for the first time.

He's my superman

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