Dinner Tonight

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After work the next day, I hurried home to go get ready for my date with Chris. I hadn’t been on a date since my last boyfriend, Andy, and I broke up, which was over a year ago. He had never really treated me well so I guess I was afraid to let people in after that. I always stayed away from guys after that. Well, until now. I guess I just knew Chris was really nice. He always seemed so nice in interviews and I guess I knew I kind of knew what he was like before I met him. Despite his dark look, I already knew he was sweet I guess. Somehow I felt like I could trust him.

I quickly searched through my closet for something to wear and ended up calling for Holly. Her fashion sense was A LOT better than mine.

“What should I wear?” I questioned helplessly. She gave me a sad smile. I had told her all about my run in with Chris and how he ask me out. She had practically made my eardrums explode with her screaming. She like Motionless, too, not as me, but she liked them.

She walked over to my closet and riffled through the clothes. She paused every so often until she finally pulled out a black Slipknot t-shirt with their logo in red on it, black skinny jeans, my combat boots, and a red button down shirt. Let’s just say all I owned was band t-shirt, button down shirts, and skinny jeans.

“How about this? And we both know he’ll love the shirt,” she told me gesturing to her creation. I knew from interviews that he was a Slipknot fan and that Clown from the band had directed their music video for America, which I personally thought was awesome.

“Thank you. You’re a life saver,” I told her with a wide smile as she exited my room. This was why she was my best friend.

“Let me do your makeup and hair, too,” she called from down the halls and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

About a half hour later, Holly had worked her magic on my hair and face. I told her not to put too much makeup on. She might love lots of makeup, but I really only liked to put a lot of black around my eyes. In my opinion, I only used makeup on the rest of my face because I had to. When she was done, I looked pretty awesome not to sound conceited. She had done an intense smokey eye and the bare minimum on the rest of my face. She had straightened my hair, too. I thanked her just as there was a knock at the door.

I ran to go get it. I swung the door opened as soon as I could reach the door nob and there stood Chris on the other side.

“Hey,” he greeted with that adorable smile. I still could barely believe my idol had asked me out on a date. I felt like I was in a dream and I was going to be woken up any minute now.

“Hi,” I replied as Holly came up behind me. “This is Holly,” I introduced gesturing to her. He gave her another smile that almost made my insides melt. He was just too cute.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m a bug fan,” she told him giving him a smile of her own. Holly had been a Motionless fan ever since I first dragged her to their concert three years ago. It had been right of Creatures came out and to say I had been excited would be an understatement.

“We should probably get going,” I announced shoving my phone in my back pocket. Chris nodded and we made our way to the elevator. We were quiet in the elevator and I was relieved when it came to a stop. I was so nervous right then I felt like I might throw up or something. Dating had never really been my thing.

We got in his car and drove away towards the restaurant we had picked. It was too far away from my apartment building.

“I like your shirt again,” Chris told me with a smile. I couldn’t help but chuckle since both Holly and I had known he would.

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