You're Not Alone

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Holly and Taylor had went to the vending machines to get snacks, but I knew they left so Chris and I could talk. I could tell he had a million questions, but I guess I would to if I was him. We had been sitting in silence for the last few minutes and it was getting uncomfortable.

“Why didn’t you tell me about him?” Chris questioned finally. He wasn’t mad, he just seemed really concerned.

“I guess it never came up,” I replied with a shrug. The actual reason was that I didn’t like talking about the time I had been with Andy. It was just too sad and it hurt too much. I hated reliving it. 

“I wish you would’ve told me, though. You know you can tell me anything, right?” he replied. I felt his hand slip on top of mine on the hard mattress as I nodded. I really did trust Chris, but it was just not something I wanted people to know. “I can’t believe he would hurt you,” I heard Chris muttered under his breath. He shook his head in disbelief.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” he asked after a moment of thinking. I didn’t, but I knew I should. To be honest, I had been replaying the whole incident in my mind over and over again and I just wanted it to stop.

I opened my mouth to started to speak, but I ended up bursting into to tears instead. I just couldn’t keep it in anymore. I had tried not to cry around Holly because she already seemed so upset and didn’t need my feelings added to it. As soon as the first tear fell, he reached over and wrapped his arms around me. It hurt a bit because of the bruises, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be in Chris’ arms.

A few moments later, I felt my tears start to slow. I felt so safe in his arms. No matter how unsafe I was because no one knew if Andy would come back to try and finish me off, I felt safe with Chris’ thin tattooed arms around me. I never wanted him to let go, but of course he did.

He pulled away just enough to kiss my forehead. I could feel the cold metal of his lip rings as his lips came in contact with me skin. He then looked at me with those amazing brown eyes. “I wish I could’ve been there to stop him,” he whispered his voice laced with sadness. He moved some of my brown hair out of my face.

He gently locked his lips onto mine. He probably thought if he pressed too hard, he would hurt me, which wouldn’t have been far off. When he pulled away, he gently pressed his forehead against mine.

“I am never going to hurt you,” he told me quietly. He used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear on my cheek. I could never even imagine Chris laying a hand on me. He wasn’t that kind of guy. He wasn’t like Andy and I knew that.

“I know,” I whispered. I pressed my lips against his again this time harder and I felt his lips curl into a smile against mine.

“I love you so much,” he told me quietly. I was about to tell him that I loved him too when the door to my room opened.


She was about to respond when we heard the door creak open. We quickly pulled apart as my face heated. I expected it to be Taylor and Holly, but instead a policeman entered the room.

“Sorry to interrupt, but track down his car and we’ve found him,” he announced triumphantly. This Andy was really lucky he was in police custody because if he wasn’t, I would’ve rearranged his face so much he wouldn’t even know who he was when he looked in the mirror. I was so outraged. He literally had no right to go around hurting his ex-girlfriend.

“Thank you,” Marietta replied looked quite relieved. I couldn’t imagine being in her shoes. I would be scared for my life every second of the day if I was her. I didn’t know how she had stayed strong all this time.

“We need you to make a statement about what happened, though,” he told her. Weren’t all the fucking bruises and the broken leg enough  to prove that this guy was fucking insane and deserved to spend the rest of his life in jail? “We can come back when you’re feeling a bit better, though,” he added probably seeing my face. 

“That sounds great. Thank you,” she responded with a yawn. As he left, her eyelids drooped causing me to smile. She was really cute when she was sleeping.

“I’m so tired,” she murmured titling her head and getting into a more comfortable position. To be honest, every position looked uncomfortable when you had that many bruises, but I didn’t say anything about it.

“Go to sleep, baby. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up,” I told her stroking her hair. Within seconds she was fast asleep. I proceeded to get myself as comfortable as I could in the stiff hospital chair because there was no way I was breaking my promise. I’d be right here when she opened her eyes whatever time that might. She needed me and I was going to leave her now.


The next morning I woke up feeling completely stiff. As I stretched, I felt every bone in my body cracking. I groaned in pain, but it was worth sleeping in that chair. Marietta was still sleeping so I decided to go grab some coffee and something for breakfast from the cafeteria. The line was extremely long and slow, which I would’ve usually been ok with, but all I wanted to do was go back to Marietta’s room.

When I finally paid for my stuff, I headed back up to Marietta’s room. She was still sleeping. I had never realized how much of a heavy sleeper she was. I mad tried to be quiet, but it was hard. I sat back down in my chair and unwrapped my bagel. I smothered it with cream cheese and bit in. It surely wasn’t worth the money I paid for it, but it was food and I was starving.

I spent the next hour playing games on my phone and trying to be quiet. She obviously needed her sleep. She had quite a hectic day yesterday and all I wanted was for her to get better. At noon, she finally opened her beautiful brown eyes. She squinted as the sunlight streamed through the blinds. She smiled when she saw me still sitting there.

“I was expecting you to be gone. Don’t you have to get to the next venue?” she questioned stretching her arms above her head. She almost immediately groaned in pain.

“It’s not that far away and I told you I’d be here when you woke up,” I responded returning her smile. As she sat up, I could see that her hair was everywhere and I chuckled. To me, she still looked beautiful though.

“Yeah, but touring’s important. I don’t want your fans hating me just because I took you away from a show,” she replied propping her pillows up so she could sit up more comfortably. She still looked so fragile and broken.

“I think they’ll understand. And we don’t have to go for another few hours. I’m not leaving you,” I told her. A smile danced across her lips as I said the last sentence. It was true. I never wanted to leave her side.

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