Epilogue: Forever

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5 Years Later...


I looked at Chris across the table at the Cheesecake Factory. I had since found a better job, but we still went there a lot just because we loved the food. Taylor still worked there, though, having not went to college she was having a hard time finding a better job. Chris was home for a week and I was definitely looking forward to having him all to myself all week.

We had just ordered our cheesecake and we patiently, or impatiently in Chris’ case, waiting for Taylor to come back with our orders. Chris was nervously playing with the buttons on his jacket as I told him about my new job. I had finally gotten my dream job, a middle school English teacher. I know it sounds terrible, but I always loved English in middle school and I wanted to be what my English teacher was to me to some other kid. My seventh grade English teacher had really helped me through a lot with my writing. I had been terrible at it since Italian was my first language and she was the first person to actually try to help me.

I didn’t question why he was nervous. I was far too excited about my teaching job to worry about. As I saw Taylor near our table with two plates, I noticed something shiny on the top of one. In all my years of working here, I never thought they would go as far as making the food sparkly. Obviously something was up. Between my glittering cake and the smile on my friend’s face, there was no doubt that she and Chris were in on something.

When she set down our food in front of us and I got a better look at my slice, I realized the shininess was coming from a ring stuck in my cheesecake. I looked over at me boyfriend in disbelief. It looked like an engagement ring.

“Is this what I think it is?” I questioned taking the ring out of the cake and licking the left behind cake off of it. Did he really tell Taylor to put a ring in my cake? I could feel happy tears well up in my eyes just at the thought

“Yeah. Will you marry me Marietta?” he questioned. As I looked down at the now cake-less diamond ring in my hand all I could do was nod without bursting into tears. I reached across the table and pulled him into a hug before he took the ring and slid it on my finger. While some people would probably say the choice of proposal was weird, I seriously couldn’t think of a more awesome, not to mention delicious, way to get engaged. As we hugged, I breathed in his familiar scent thinking that I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but him. He was the person who made me believe love was possible again. He was the one that helped me through so much. Without him, I may not even be here today. I owed so much to him and I truly loved him with all of my heart.

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